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Damon P.O.V

Siena was really taking this you need to 'think about it' for 48 hours way to serious. We actually slept in the same bed but she kept a big distance between us in bed. I just wanted was her in my arms and to forget about this silly argument. When I touched her a few times and she edge closer to the edge of the bed. I gave up in the end. But I'm not giving up on her. No way in hell Siena is the woman I want to be with nothing will ever change that. I have to do something in the next 24 hours to prove to her that it will always be her. I got out of the shower and walked into the bedroom and Stefan was sitting on the bed. Then I notice Siena must of gotten up while I was in the shower. She must of gone downstairs.

"Good morning" Stefan looked up god he had a face on him today. Wonder got him even more broody than usual.

"You're late, we were supposed to meet Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes" How do I missed the old Stefan the one without the attitude.

'Relax, brother you don't want your hair to fall out" I told him as walking over to the closet. He needed to chill like it was going to take me long to get ready.

"Would you hurry up? We have work to do you know, Klaus isn't gonna spontaneously self-destruct" I turned around and smiled at him "Why are you all chipper?" He asked curiously.

"No reason, be with you in a minute" It hit me as I was in the closet what I had to do. To convince Siena once and for all that I want to be with her and no one else. I need to take a little trip before I do it.

Elena P.O.V

Everything was over whelming me now. I had Damon compel Jeremy to leave to forget everything that had happened and to leave town. To go and enjoy his life to be a normal 16 year old guy and deal with teen issue not supernatural. I know I did this to him before and it really backed fired. This time round I really didn't have any choice. I had seen Jeremy lose it he kill Tony one of Klaus hybrid. The way he did it he had done it was with no emotion that not my brother. Jeremy would never do that and I can't let him turn into that person. Damon seemed a little weird last night too it was like he had a lot on his mind. Well he did have to deal with a rogue Stefan so I think that would drive him or anyone to worry. But there defiantly something up with him and Siena. I notice it yesterday at the witch's house then when he came over to the house she seemed mad at him. The only thing I can think they are arguing about is Siena little flirt with Klaus. I'll speak to her today and make sure that she's ok.

I had training with Ric so I got changed and went down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and Ric wasn't there. Jeremy was he was talking about moving to Denver and how excited he was to go. It pained me to hear him talk about so I told him I was running late. I grabbed my car keys and left the house and got into my car. Today is one of those days that I need to let out some aggression. I started up the car and began to drive to Ric's I got there and parked up. I got out of the car and walked into Ric apartment block. I walked up the stairs and I could hear a noise in Ric apartment. I opened the door and walked in I saw Siena punching the hell out of the punching bag. Ric holding it he looked at me a little worried.

"So, what's got you all worked up Siena?" She continued hitting the bag with a lot of force. I didn't know she had that much strength in her.

"You really wanna know. I didn't really sleep last night" She hit the bag Ric went back a little "Then I find out that Stefan teaming up with Julian" She punched little harder. Ric looked like he was struggling to hold on the bag "Lastly Damon Salvatore is a jack ass" She swung her arm at full force and punches the bag. Suddenly it came off the hook sending Ric flying cross the room. "Ric! I'm sorry. Are you ok?" Siena and I rushed over to him panicking. After what happened to him last night he still didn't look 100% recovered. I looked at her stunned at what she had just done. She smiled at me nervously we both help Ric up he looked at Siena.

'Unbreakable Bond' Damon Salvatore Love Story. 'Epic Love Saga' (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now