Advice From The Dead.....

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Damon P.O.V

I don't know what to do with Siena she walked away without me explaining. I know she was totally honest with me that she can't handle Elena and I being close. And I don't blame her either after her walking on Elena kissing me. I'm going to talk to her in the morning and tell her I'm keeping away from Elena. Siena was far more important to me than Elena. I know Elena going through a hard time but if I keep this up I will end up lose Siena all together. There only so many times she can so understanding.

I think she was right that Elena had gained a soft spot for me. I saw the jealousy in her eyes when she brought up me flirting with Rebekah. I did it to keep her distracted. Like I would really go there when I have my princess waiting for me at home. But I clearly saw it in Elena eyes that look. No way in hell I'm jeopardising my relationship to a girl who chose Stefan over me. I'm in love with Siena she is the woman I want to spend the rest of my undead life with.I heard someone coming in I can't deal with anymore of Stefan crap. I looked and there was Mason Lockwood standing in the parlour then all of a sudden I saw blackness.

I don't know what the hell going on but last thing I saw before I blacked out was Mason standing in the parlour after everyone left. Siena must have been pissed at me because she didn't even come downstairs to see where I was. I was tied to a chair I looked down and saw a fire poker was in my chest. I notice that my daylight ring on the floor, then I looked up and saw Mason is watching me what the f**k!

"Oh, you got to be kidding me" What the hell Mason was dead I killed him how could this be happening? It had to be a dream or something.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Mason told me with a smirk this had Stefan all over it. What did he do? He must of spike my blood.

"Oh, Stefan" I called out I heard him come into the room "Low blow, Stefan Low blow" he came into my view he looked at me all confused. I wasn't in the mood for his games.

"What the hell happened to you?" great he went all ripper and he blackout after he did this to me. I'm going to kick his ass.

"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it" I told him firmly, he gave him his innocent face.

"I didn't do this" oh he was really trying to mess with me. He better remember I'm not Elena I'm not falling for his crap.

"Quit screwing around!" I told him, his face harden now.

"I didn't" I told me firmly he checks the chains "It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?" he said little smug now, all I needed him to do was free me.

"Yep" Stefan removes the iron stick from my chest I screamed in pain. Then Stefan begins to remove the chains but stops and leaves. What the hell was he playing at the dick?

"Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself" I shouted out to him then all of a sudden the curtains opened and the sunlight can enter the room and began to burn my skin. I began to screams. What the freaking hell is going on... why I'm seeing freaking Mason Lockwood?

Bonnie P.O.V

Things wasn't getting any better between Jeremy and I. Since I brought Jeremy back from being shot he had been kind of distance. Then there the whole Vicky and Anna been making appearances too didn't help. He couldn't be honest with me all summer and tell me but he didn't and now we are here. I was helping Caroline hanging lanterns from the trees for the festival of light thing.

"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?" Caroline asked, unfortunately it didn't she was still around.

"I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here" I told her with frustration, Caroline gave me a sympathetic smile. All of this was hard to deal with I'm competing with girls that only Jer can see.

'Unbreakable Bond' Damon Salvatore Love Story. 'Epic Love Saga' (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now