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It's been a month since I brought Hiro to the Pack House. He still hasn't woken up. The doctors don't know why he won't wake up. He doesn't respond to anything they try. They say he isn't in a coma, just sleeping. One of the doctors told me that he might be fighting waking up, if that was possible. He said Hiro might not want to wake up and face the world, face what he was running from.

I open the infirmary door and take my seat by Hiro's bed.

"Mate!" My inner wolf growls at me.

"I know," I tell him inside my head.

"Mine!" He growls.

"I know," I say back irritated.

I have taken this month to ponder about Hiro being my mate. I guess my wolf knew before I turned eighteen. He was pushing me towards him all along. That day at school, the same day I brought him here, I knew I smelt something but I pushed it aside. My wolf knew at the time, that's why he didn't want me to take him to a normal hospital. My wolf wants to watch over Hiro every second of the day, he wants to make sure that he wakes up. I want to be the first person that Hiro sees when he wakes up.

The doctors removed all of his bandages by now. The wounds from the knife in his shoulder and abdomen have coverings on them that have to get changed every day. His face is healed of all the bruises. The only thing left on his body is the brace for his broken jaw that should be healed up pretty good now, the breathing tube in his nose, and the heart monitor hooked up to his finger.

I hear a faint whimper and I snap my head up to look at him. His fingers twitch and my wolf howls with joy. This is the most movement he has made all month. I jump from my seat and stare down at him, careful not to touch him. The last time that I touched him sparks erupted under my skin and my wolf almost broke free.

Hiro stirs and he struggles to open his eyes. You can do it, Hiro. I think to myself. Come on, just open them, please. Just because I don't want to be gay doesn't mean that our bond doesn't mean something to me. I feel his pain, I feel his sadness even as he sleeps. I want Hiro to wake up and live. I want to see his beautiful blue eyes again. I want to see his smile. I don't believe I have ever seen him smile before, maybe when we were younger, but not after his mom left him and his father.

Hiro gasps and his eyes fly open. I can tell his eyes have to focus before he stares right back at me. His heart monitor starts to beep more rapidly as his heart speeds up. He closes his eyes tightly, almost wishing me away.

"Morning," I whisper. His whimpers cause my wolf to whimper annoyingly. "Hiro, don't go back to sleep just yet, please."

I wait a long maybe five minutes until Hiro opens his eyes and looks at me again.

"W-," He tries to say but the brace stops him from moving it.

"Don't talk, your jaw is still healing," I warn him. I have to admit that seeing him like this makes me want to hold him and take all his pain away. "I know you will ask what you're doing here, where here is, why I am here, and what happened to you, am I correct?" He just stares at me until he raises his thumb to signal I was correct.

"Right, so I found you in the snow just about a month ago. You were laying in a pool of your own blood with a knife stuck in your stomach. I brought you here," I look around, I can't call it the Pack House. "To my house where we have a doctor. I didn't know what to do so yeah, you ended up here." I smile at my quick thinking. "I live here, so obviously I would be here. I also wanted to check on you to make sure you were okay. You haven't woken up once since I brought you here. You have healed almost completely now, which is good. The doctor has to change your bandages on your stomach and shoulder though. Your jaw should be healed soon. I don't really know what they did to it but they had to put it back in place or something."

Secrets in the Skin (BoyxBoy #Wattys2015) **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now