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Song: La la la by Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith

-Elises's POV- 

"-SO I GO NA NA, LA LA LALA LA NA NA NA NA NA!" Zora was blasting La La La(don't even ask me how Kayla found her old and crappy flip phone in her back pocket, but there was obviously no service or wifi here...) and singing at the top of her lungs. It had no other use than to listen to music, anyways.

We were sitting in my room. The tea party had gone exactly as planned, and I had one hourglass next to me. I have to say, the carrot cake(which Blood had simply defined as an 'Unidentified' cream cake in orange...) was better than I thought it would be. Tracy had even eaten a piece after all the partygoers had gone(during the actual party, she had been hiding in a bush) and said that she didn't enjoy carrots, but the cake was particularly good.

The hourglass came in one big box, which had like 50 other boxes inside, each separately wrapped. It had taken me 15 whole minutes to get all of them opened an finally to the smallest box, that had a tiny wooden hourglass inside it. Both Elliot and Blood had demonstrated how to use it to change the time period two times(like in the game) and then told me that you can only use it three times before it doesn't work anymore.

It only slightly pissed me off, but I just knew in my mind that we would have to get this right. We had to escape. I couldn't handle being sexually harassed by Blood every day... Me, Zora and Kayla had feigned wanting to have a sleepover so that we could finalize a plan.

...this totally felt like Mission Impossible.

Somewhere in my mind I was starting to doubt us. The longer this idea sat, the more fear creeped into my mind. Blood was even more different than the manga than I thought, and It was making me nervous. There was a look he gave me that made it seem like he was looking right through me to what I was even thinking.

"I can't find your silver lining, I don't mean to judge-"

I gritted my teeth. There was no question of turning back. We needed to find Indigo as soon as possible, and we couldn't do that here.

"-But when you read your speech it's tiring, enough is enough!"

Kayla cracked her knuckles nervously. I sat neatly on the bed in silence, not sure what we were waiting for. Zora had stopped singing.

"I'm covering my ears like a kid! When your words mean nothing, I go la la la!"

Finally, the music was interrupted by a small knock at the door. "Come in!" I called in a bored tone, sure Blood wouldn't have asked to come in.

A maid popped her head inside the door. "Young Miss," she said, nodding at me, "The Boss would like to see you now!"

"What the fuck?" I stood up. Zora nodded at me. Kayla's eyes bored into my back like she was trying to mentally follow me as I walked over to the door. "Fine, whatever."

For some reason, the maid didn't leave. She took my wrist, but let me lead the way to Blood's room. I wanted to pry her hand off me, but the gun on her hip was all to real for me to argue.

The guards standing outside the doors nodded at me. "Boss, she's here!"

"Okay, let her in." A responding voice replied from the other side of the door. I let out a shaky sigh and walked in as one of the faceless guards opened a door for me.

Blood was sitting at his desk, his pen scratching out something on the paper he was writing on. He looked up quickly and smirked.

What the fuck are you smirking for?

I knew he only played lazy. He was actually a proficient worker. Yet, I watched intently as Blood Dupre stood up and walked over to me. I was standing a few feet left of the double doors, and close enough to the corner that he could back me into it. I took a nervous step to the right.

Blood didn't need a corner; He placed both hands on rather side of me, successfully trapping me. His gaze was clouded over with... something I would never return.


"Hey," he said, noticing my angry and hurt expression. "You know I love you, right?"

"Hush..." I closed my eyes. "Don't speak to me. When you spit that venom keep your damned mouth shut, I hate it."

Blood's eyes narrowed. He had a dark smirk playing on his features, and I looked down at the floor. "You should be more polite to me, Young Miss. I wouldn't want to have to hurt you." I clapped my hands to my ears, blocking out his words.

"When your words mean nothing, I I'll ignore them and go la, la, la... They're all hollow, so I'm going to turn off the volume when you speak to me." I replied sharply. "If your heart can't handle my turn-down, then I don't know how you got to be where you are. Now I have to drown you out before I lose my fucking mind."

"Watch your tongue, Young Miss." I felt his breath on my lips and cringed. "You might just..."

"Na Na, la la la la la na na na na na na..." I seriously just wanted to die.

This wasn't made better by the fact that after another second, Blood's lips caught on my own, and I tried not to give in. My heart was beating faster than the speed of light, and I was pretty sure that wasn't healthy.

Blood took my refusal to kiss him(and do anything else except to breathe by him) to his advantage as he pressed me closer to his chest. Once he was out of breath, he let me go. "La la la la..." I wasn't even listening, reacting.

Blood was driving me mad.


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