Chapter 10: Domain? Disputes...

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Picture: Obsidian, but the apple is black(just read the story!)
Song: Clocks by Coldplay(every time this song reminds me of Julius for some weird reason.)

~Elise's POV(still)~

"Anyways," I switched the subject around. "Who the hell are you guys? You have faces, and weird stuff I have never heard of just happened..."

"Oh! This is Hearts." Soumei pointed to Prince, not explaining anything.

"What do you mean?"

"There's a personification for every Domain. You know, right now, we're in the country of Hearts, yeah?"

"Um, yeah." I said. "What does that have to do with Prince?"

"He's the personification of the country of Hearts. See-" Soumei grabbed two more keys off her belt, balancing one between her index and middle finger and the other in between her middle and ring finger.

Nothing crazy happened, but a guy with angel wings and grey eyes started to appear on the pavement, sitting cross-legged in a relaxed manner. He was eating a black apple casually, and his grey shirt was ripped up and torn. There was a cuff that had a chain attached to it on his bicep. The passing faceless out to enjoy the park started to whisper excitedly.

"Hello." He said calmly, staring at Soumei. "What would you like?" Soumei rolled her eyes.

"They're all boys. She's annoyed." Tracy explained. I nodded.

"Hi." I found myself introducing myself to this strange man. "My name's Elise, what's yours?"

"Obsidian. I'm the personification of Joker. Nice to meet you." He spoke with the same calm air, tilting his head slightly.

Prince was checking out cotton candy at one of the booths. Soumei noticed, and stomped over there to drag him back. Tracy quickly followed, just leaving me and Obsidian.

"Well." I didn't really know what to say to break the awkward silence as we watched the three other people argue. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump. "God!"

"Oh. Sorry." Obsidian said blankly. He was behind me, floating a good few inches above the ground, even though his wings were not moving.

How...? I didn't even see him get up!

"No problem!" I replied cheerfully. "It's fine. Now..."

"Obsidian, stop creeping the poor girl out. And-"

"Here, take my hand, Miss. I am surely prettier than that disgusting thing!" Prince held my hand and brought it to his lips again softly. I really wasn't sure what to do, I was so bamboozled by everything that had just happened.

A 13th role... All these domain people...

"Sure." I wasn't paying attention as Prince kept on talking about something. Obsidian had changed, and now his eyes were dark red. The apple was discarded on the ground as it went up in red smoke.

"What did you say about us?"

I was blown away about the change in Obsidian. His voice was no longer soft and calm- it was rough and malevolent. A sphere of blue fire appeared around his clenched fist. Surprisingly, Prince just laughed... charmingly.

"You're scaring Elise. Don't let things get bloody in front of her." He gave me a flirty smile, which I decided to ignore. "Put out the flames. This is my domain. The only reason you do that in yours is because everyone's on crack there."

The joke was funny, but no one laughed. Things had switched moods faster than a top hat, I tell you...


Sorry! Another short chapter...

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