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a s h l e y

"what the hell was that calum?" i yell daring to step closer. "what?!" he asked shrugging it off nonchalantly. "you come over uninvited after i told you, you weren't welcome here... well at least not till tomorrow. yet you still show up! then you make the only friend in this fucking town leave..." i yelled mumbling the last part. "ashley he's not your only-"

"don't! don't you fucking dare calum! are you sure you want to finish that fucking sentence? we can continue the exact same argument from earlier!"

"but it's true! you have me, mikey... and... luke." he pleaded saying luke's name barely above a whisper. i laugh bitterly "yeah okay whatever you say calum but just do me a favor and just leave, will ya?" i sigh giving up walking towards the staircase.

"not before i say this... ashley how do you know if you're falling in love with someone?" making her stop. "does it just hit them all at once? or do you fall in love slowly piece by piece? i'm sorry ok... i'm so sorry! i-i just got scared."

"scared of what cal!"

"it's only been two weeks and i've fucked up every time i saw you. and it's weird i feel all nervous and confused around you and that never happens to me." he sighed running his fingers through his curly disheveled hair.

"you're different i guess you can say. there's something about you that I need to figure out, and yes i know all of this sounds so cliché but it's true and i got scared no one has ever made me like this. the little things you do is just so fucking mesmerizing. the way you bites the tip of the eraser on your pencil while you're doing your work or they way you bite your lip when you're nervous or flustered and when you're trying to hide it you bite the inside of you're cheek thinking it's not noticeable. dear god, it's so fucking noticeable. or the way your smile lights up a room and.... f u c k! you're mesmerizing your tanned milky skin, your dark brown eyes and your black curly hair i'm too afraid to touch because you might slap the shit out of me if i do and fuck my libido is over the edge because," you he faintly laugh.

"i... i think i should go." he mumbled.

"cal wait i-" and just like that calum walked out before i could even complete my sentence. i took a seat on the couch finding my self dumbfounded and blankly staring at the door. some part of me hoping he'd walk back through the door. but i knew he wouldn't. i want to go after him but my body wouldn't dare to make a move towards the door.

ashton 🏄🏽: did he tell you he was being an idiot and that he liked you yet? i'm guessing that's what he was there for.

team ash 💥: he's said a lot more then that...

ashton 🏄🏽: i'm on my way back ash!!!


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