Extrordinary Secret

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Patches was nowhere to be found...instead there was a woman in my bed. I dropped my briefcase and anything else in my hands as I was so shocked at this discovery. My cat is missing and there's a half-naked woman in my bed. She looks to be asleep. She had long ombré hair that looked like it had been dip dyed. It's black at the root, brown in the middle, and white at the ends. There's no doubt in my mind that it's the same color palate as Patches. I shook my head at the thought that was attempting to creep into my mind. The insane notion that...nah that's impossible. It's quite literally im-fucking-possible. The woman in my bed began to shift...she was waking up. I stiffened, backing slowly into the wall. She sat up in my bed. The sheets fell from her chest exposing her breasts.


It slipped out before I could stop myself. I brought my attention back to her face. It didn't take long for me to notice her very cat-like eyes. And they're an unusual color. She blinked once, very slowly. I raised one eyebrow at her. She started to crawl slowly down my bed towards me. On all fours she crawled across the floor and used my body to pull herself up onto her two feet. She observed me closely. Her large pale violet eyes scanned my face. She grinned, jumping into my arms.

"I missed you!"

She talks! This woman definitely has too many parallels with Patches to just be a coincidence. I decided to just say fuck logic and go ahead and ask her the question I had been denying.

"You're Patches, aren't you?"
"About that...my name is actually Cara...I don't have a last name though." She kept smiling.
"Um...you're my cat...right?"
"Maybe...I could be. Do I look like your cat?"
"You do...very much so."
"Have you seen your cat since you saw me?"
"Then I'm most definitely your cat."
"So um...cat turned human or human turned cat?"
"Uh...non-earthly being."
"Know what...I'm not that curious. My human mind can't take this shit. Nice boobs. You need to put on some clothes."
"Why? I've always been naked..."
"Well now being in a human form...and me being a man who hasn't had sex in a little over 4 months...the female body is a bit of a temptation for me."
"Oh...well...I don't have clothes."

She giggled, throwing her arms around my neck. God, I am so glad she had these panties to wear. I sat her on my bed so I could rummage through my drawer to find her some clothes. I handed her the smallest T-Shirt I could find. She eyed it carefully before taking her hand and swiping it down quickly. I looked at the now tasseled shirt and back at her. She was picking cloth from her nails.

"I'm getting you declawed."

She hissed at me.

"Put the shirt on please."

She nodded and pulled the shirt on over her head. I gave her a finger scratch underneath her chin. Her body shook and she purred. Uh. Okay.

"We need to get you some clothes if you're just gonna be popping in and out of human form while I'm at work."
"And you have to be in kitten form when there's company...unless I say otherwise."
"...Can I still wear a collar?"
"Yes. You can wear a collar in either form if you want."

She smiled. Now how in the hell am I going to be able to hide my cat-girl? I scratched my head, trying to figure out if there would be any good boutiques open. I forced out a breath before continuing my routine as I did it every night.

"I'm home early today so I can take you shopping before everything shuts down. Just stay still until I get out of the shower, okay?"

She curled up in a ball at the foot of my bed, watching me like she always did as Patches. It just feels a little different with her looking like a human and all. I shook off the new unidentifiable feeling I was getting in the pit of my stomach and proceeded to gather clothes for my shower.

Just like every other night she was waiting at the bathroom door when I got out of the shower but now I feel weird about it.

"You...You can't watch me shower anymore."
"Why not? I always watch you shower."
"It's always been kind of weird but now it feels really wrong...knowing you've been a woman watching me this whole time."
"It's wrong for me to watch you?" She seemed genuinely confused.
"Well...yes. You're not someone I'm intimately involved with."

She stared at me blankly as if she didn't understand. I simply patted her head and told her again that she couldn't watch me shower anymore. The whole thought of it made me feel...almost dirty. I shrugged it off and got dressed quickly.

"Here's a pair of shorts you can wear with that shirt you shredded."

She took the black gym shorts I handed her and pulled them on. They were falling off and she didn't seem to know how to fix them so I tied the drawstring for her. Her feet are much smaller than mine so I couldn't exactly give her a pair of my shoes to wear. Instead, I just let her go barefoot until we reached the first store. She looked around the shop, eyes sparkling at everything she saw. If I didn't know any better I'd think she had never seen the inside of a store.

"Uh...you can pretty much get whatever you want. My job pays well enough."

She ran off into the women's clothing section and I didn't see her again for a good 15 to 20 minutes. When I finally did see her again she had both arms full of clothes.

"Did you try any of that on?"
"Here, hand them to me so we can go find a fitting room."

She handed all the clothes over to me before looking around to find a shop assistant. When her eyes finally landed on someone in a uniform she skipped over to them...I followed blindly behind her, barely able to see over the pile of clothes she yanked off the racks. She looks expectantly at me as if she was waiting for me to talk to the guy. I sighed.

"Excuse me. Could you point me to the fitting rooms?"
"Oh sure. If you head through the ladies underwear section there are two paths to take. Women to the left and men to the right. If there aren't any rooms available then you can have a seat in one of the chairs and wait until there's a vacancy." He said cheerfully.

I nodded thanking him for his help then headed for the fitting rooms, Cara trailing not far behind. Midway through the underwear section she grabbed my arm causing me to turn around to see what she wanted. Her eyes were practically glued to one of the racks with some lace panties hanging on them. she looked at me hopefully.

"You want them?"
"I want them so badly~!"
"...Well with all the stuff I'm already carrying what more could a pair of panties hurt."
"Yay!" She cheered.

She's like a child...but instead of toys it's clothes. I need to buy her some shoes too. After I send her into the fitting room I'm gonna have to find a cart to carry these clothes in. Oh God. What have I gotten myself into?


If there's any complaints or questions as to the recurring name Cara please refer to my bio. Thank you. Love ya.


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