By Word of Mouth

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When I woke up this morning Cara was in my bed again. I smiled inwardly. Though as badly as I wanted to touch her face I refrained. Her eyes opened slowly and she blinked a few times before speaking.

"I have something to tell you..."
"Go ahead."

She took her time responding. When she finally did open her mouth to speak she stuttered.

"I-I think I" She muttered. I almost didn't hear it.
"Come again?" I asked, making sure I heard her correctly.
"I like you...a lot actually. More than I want to."
"As your caretaker, right?" I thought she was just playing with me.
"No...something different. I don't know what it is but I like you differently than anyone I've lived with." She blurted.

Her eyes avoided mine desperately. I wanted to read them. To see if she really was playing me. If she's saying what I think she is then that gives me the go-ahead to pursue her, right? I should be somewhat happy about this considering my own feelings toward her lately but...something feels off. Maybe it's me. Maybe I still haven't gotten over her being a cat. Maybe I'll never get over it. That would be bestiality in a way. And what if anyone ever finds out she's a stray cat I found somewhere? They'll think I'm a freak for being in love with her. Or worse, they'll have her hauled off to some lab to test her "alien" nature. I didn't respond, just got up and started preparing for work. I left her sitting in my bed.


It's late. Really late. And he hasn't come home yet. He never stays out this late. What is he doing? Could he have gotten hurt? I glance over at the clock. It's 9:52. Just as I was about to get up and go searching for him I heard the front door opening. I darted downstairs to meet him with a relieved sigh. He didn't look hurt. Just tired. I took his briefcase and hugged him tight. He hesitated before I felt his hands lightly on my back.

"I thought you got hurt..."
"I'm fine."

He walked upstairs, leaving me alone for the second time today. I frowned, feeling a little like he didn't want to be around me. I decided not to bother him so I sat on the couch pretending to watch tv long enough to finish out a show. I started feeling antsy during the opening of the next show. I busied myself with eating dried fruit chips. I went through a whole bag of strawberries before I knew it.

"Did you eat anything yet?" His voice startled me.
"N-No...!" I stiffened in my seat.
"Why you so jumpy?"
"I'm just caught me a little off-guard..."
"Right...are you hungry?"
"A little..."
"I'll go grab something. McDonald's okay?"
"Yeah...I just want a 10 piece and a McFlurry..."

In the time he was upstairs alone he showered and changed clothes. He was now wearing a black tee and basketball shorts. He didn't even ask if I wanted to go with him. He just left. I was starting to hate being alone at all. I was left all alone to my thoughts and they were all negative. I should've kept my mouth shut. Now he won't even stay around for 3 minutes. I sat on the couch waiting for him to get home but it felt like it took way longer than it should've. I sighed. I guess where gonna play this game? It almost feels like he's been avoiding me since this morning. I hope it's all in my head. My body reflexively tensed up when I heard the door opening. It was Chris with the food. I started to relax slowly.

"Here's your food." He all but muttered, sitting the bag on the coffee table in front of me.

He went back upstairs without so much as another word to me. I sighed and ate alone. Afterwards, without saying goodnight, I slept alone in the guest room again. It was cold.


I didn't wake her this morning on my way to work. I figured I'd let her sleep. I don't wanna have to deal with her so early in the morning. On top of that, I didn't have anything to say to her. I haven't sorted out my feelings and I don't want her need for affection and physical contact to cloud my own judgement. I like her. I do but I'm just not getting over her being a cat for some reason. She hasn't been Patches in a while but I know eventually she's going to be her again. They share a body. I really don't wanna feel like I'm in love with an animal. I didn't even get anything done at work today.

"Christopher?" I heard that familiar voice.
"Hey Nicki." I turned my attention to her.
"Oh what's with that look? You got girl troubles?"
"Girl troubles." I scoffed. But I guess she's not wrong.
"That's a yes. Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to you know I'm there to listen."
"Thanks Nicki."

I watched her walk away, not being able to tear my eyes away. I've had my eye on Nicki since I started working here but since Cara came into my life I haven't thought much about her. Now with this time away from her...oh fuck what am I thinking? I'm not gonna fuck my coworker. I scoffed at the thought and tapped away on my keyboard again.

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