Today I Fucked Up

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I woke up this morning to find my house all but trashed. Here I stood in the living room with a broken vase, flowers scattered on the ground, some shredded paper and a whole lot of trash on the floor. My only day off this week and I'm gonna spend it cleaning my house. Fucking fantastic.

"Cara! Get your ass downstairs! Now!"

She walked downstairs as if there was nothing wrong. I gestured to the mess around me. She smiled. This motherfu— ...I can't.

"You piss me off, I piss you off." She said, bluntly.
"Okay. Okay. In an hour you're gonna get exactly what you're looking for."

I started to clean my home, throwing away all the things she wrecked. An hour later I was finished and I went upstairs to handle this problem. She was sitting on my bed shredding another one of my white T-shirts. I groaned.

"Why are you being so fucking destructive!?" I yelled, she jumped at my tone.
"You made me angry."
"So you wreck my shit?"
"What were you hiding?"
"I wasn't hiding anything."
"You were hiding something last night."
"So? It's none of your concern!"
"What was it!? I need to know!"

She froze, going quiet for a moment. Then she crawled toward me. I don't like where this is going. She just sat on her knees in front of me for a moment before reaching toward the elastic band on my sweats. I jumped back. She stared at me.

"What are you doing?!"
"I wanna see."
"Fuck no! This is just gonna go somewhere that you're not gonna like, and I'm not gonna like and we'll both regret it and it's gonna be really fucking uncomfortable in here from now on."
"No it won't."
"I'm protecting you. Now give it up. You're not gonna see anything I'm not comfortable with showing you."
"Fine." She huffed.

How dare she be upset. I'm the only one here with the right to be upset about anything. Just then there was a knock at my door. I looked at her.

"You know what to do, right?"
"Yeah..." she pouted.
"I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to be courteous and protect you."

She didn't respond. I petted her head slightly before going to answer the door. A couple of my boys walked in. Aug, Trey, and Mike. They were loud and obviously high. Dap all around and a hug from Mike.

"It look cleaner than a muhfucka 'round here. What, you got company comin'?" Mike asked me.
"Nah. My cat went apeshit and I had to clean it up this morning."
"Nigga you got a cat? Don't you know cats don't attract females?" Trey shook his head at me.
"Yeah nigga. Puppies. Puppies bring the bitches." Aug said flatly.

They all made themselves comfortable on my couch and love seat. Patches came down the stairs. Thank GOD she can transform at will. The attention turned to her.

"That's Patches."
"Patches? You named it Patches?" Aug asked me.
"So fuckin' what?"
"You a lonely nigga that's all." Trey shrugged.
"Nah. Y'all got me fucked up."
"Just admit it. That cat is the only pussy you've had in your house in months. We all know. We just waiting on you to admit." Mike sat back into the couch nonchalantly.
"Y'all don't know who I have in my house during the week. Y'all only here on weekends."
"It's okay, Breeze. You going through a drought. Just admit it. But it's cool cause we all taking you out tonight. Gon find you a lady to-"
"Baby when are you- oh. You didn't say we had company." I heard that all too familiar voice and cracked a smile.

I turned 180, eyes met with Cara wearing my shirt and not much else. She strutted over to me calmly. Damn that walk is if she still had a tail and she was trying to lure me with the way it swayed. By the next thing I could comprehend, she was in my arms nibbling on my ear as she was so used to doing.

" boys. I said I'd introduce you next time they were here. That's August, Tremaine, and Michael."
"Nice to meet you all. Thanks for taking good care of my Chris...I know he can be a handful."

I scoffed. She's one to fucking talk.

" problem. Chris why in the hell didn't you say you had a girl?"
"Well...where I'm putting my dick isn't really something I wanna openly share with everybody. Y'all can't keep a secret for shit."
"Well...they were gonna find out eventually..."

She carried on a conversation with them for a few minutes and I gotta say...she was DAMN convincing. If I didn't know better I'd swear we really were dating.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and lay down...I'm still really tired..."
"You should be...after that mess you made earlier."
"It was your fault..." she smirked.

Before leaving she topped off the entire performance with a kiss on my neck. You sly motherfucker. I watched her sashay back upstairs in my shirt for a few seconds before I was yanked from my thoughts.

"Damn. Where'd you find her? I want one of those!" August outbursts as soon as she was out of view.
"Oh I just sort of...found her..." it's true.
"Damn...we gotta talk about this shit when she's not around cause I got a few questions for you." Trey stared toward the staircase.

I'm pretty sure I owe her some petting now. My boys stuck around for hours, Cara and Patches making periodic appearances. It was well into the night when they left. As soon as the door closed behind them she was on my back.

"You owe me." She purred into my ear.
"Jesus! You can't just be jumping on me like that!"
"Why? I'm the only other being here with you. Unless you have ghosts or poltergeists."

I sighed. I contemplated asking her what exactly she wanted in return for the huge lie we just elaborated but I decided I would pretend she never said it. That worked...for about an hour. After I showered and got really comfortable she took a long bath. I put her night clothes in the bathroom for her but she paid it no mind, deciding to get dressed at the foot of my bed. Her. Body. Is. Insane. Fuck. I think I'm about to have another issue to deal with. Once dressed, she crawled up my bed to sit on her knees right beside me.

" you gonna repay me for that lie?" She grinned.

I frowned. If I try to ignore it again she'll just keep asking. She crawled closer, her face inches from mine. I asked the question I just knew I would regret instantly.

"What do you want me to do to repay you?"

She backed off and thought for a moment. Her face twisted in thought like it was the hardest decision she would ever make in life. Then there was a glint in her eye and her entire face lit up. She leaned close to my face, paused dramatically, then whispered into my ear.

"Kiss me..."

I turned my head to her ever so slowly, taking the time to process what she just said to me. She had the most genuine look on her face when I locked eyes with her.

"I've never kissed a human..."
"I've never kissed a cat but that doesn't mean I should."
"Oh I get it. You still see me as a pet. Even in human form."
"'re the stray cat I found a few weeks ago."
"I'm a woman that happened to be inhabiting a cats body."
"But you're still at cat. And it's still weird for me to feel attracted to you."
"Because I can take a cat's form?
"Yes. I met you as a cat and that's the image you hold for me."
"Just kiss me. I want to have my first kiss with you."

I felt my face twist. I didn't know whether I was flattered, annoyed or confused. She pouted at me.

"Don't look so hostile, cutie."
"Cara get out of my face."

She flopped back in my bed, finally giving up on her request. It took a moment for me to process the situation. If I kiss her I'll probably feel fucked up...but if I don't she'll probably start wrecking my shit again. I don't have the patience for that bullshit. I looked over at her pouting face. In a split second, I pulled her into my lap cradling her. She went to push me but I moved quickly, planting my lips on hers. God, her lips are soft. Her body relaxed completely...then her arms were around my neck. When I tried pulling away I was stopped by the sudden desire to take her as she was.

I think I just fucked up...


Might be a while before the next one gets published. Don't rush me please. Thank you.


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