Thinking Things Through

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After the whole incident in the bathroom the house was pretty quiet. She was a little more distant than normal...she'd stopped trying to have physical contact with me all the time. Poor girl. I think she might be really scarred. I never intended on showing her that in the first place but if she was gonna keep pestering me about it I kinda had to. And I didn't mean to touch her that way. She's a sweet girl...and I technically sexually harassed her. I hope she isn't too upset about it. I heard my room door creak open slowly and turned my attention to it. She was peeping from the hallway. We locked eyes briefly before she disappeared from view again.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I won't do that to you again..."

Her head poked back into the room. She hesitated but made her way back over to my bed. It was kind of weird to have her sitting at the very edge. I wanted to rewind time and do things differently. All because now I'm used to her snuggling against me. I'm used to having her body against mine. I'm used to her nibbles and whining. And I want it back. She stared intently at the tv on the wall, never once glancing at me until bedtime. She looked over at me preparing to go to sleep, stood up, and walked out. I sighed and rolled over to go to sleep.


I can't believe how flustered I am after he did that. I mean...he's never done that sort of thing to me before. I guess I'm just surprised. But should my heart still be racing? I won't sleep on his bed tonight. I need to sort out my feelings. I slept alone in the guest room. I missed being able to cuddle him. I missed his scent.

"I'm going to work!"

I woke to him calling out to me from downstairs. As I descended the stairs I saw him standing at the door with his briefcase in his hand.

"There's breakfast on the stove. Feel free to eat whenever you get hungry. And leftovers from dinner in the fridge."
"Thank you..."

He stood at the door, not moving for a moment, then approached me slowly. He extended his hand to me and pet my head gently. I didn't move away from him. He withdrew his hand briefly to relocate it to my chin. He scratched under it gently, causing me to tremble and purr. He patted my head once more before saying goodbye and walking out. I almost caught myself whining when he left.

Well I guess I'll be home alone all day. I should eat something before napping.


As I was sitting at my desk pecking away at my keyboard, a coworker walked up and spoke.

"Good morning, Christopher."
"Oh hey, good morning, Onika."
"I thought I asked you to call me Nicki?"
"I asked you to call me Chris."
"...Touché. So what are you up to these days?"
"Oh nothin'. Work is all."
"No girlfriend?"
"I'm...I'm workin' on it. How's ya man?"
"I'm single, sweetheart."
"Now what's a pretty woman like you doing single?"
"Lovin' life, dear."
"I don't know how you do it. You don't miss being held or anything? You don't miss having someone around to talk to?"
"Yeah I do. But that's when I break out my hidden contacts. Call one of those guys over and let him hold me."
"What if they don't wanna?"
"They always want to."
"Hmm...I don't have anyone that'll just come over cause I say I wanna hold them."
"You poor thing. Oh shoot. The boss is coming this way. I'll see you around."

I watched her walk away. With a body like hers, it's no wonder men jump at the opportunity to hold her again. I sigh slightly and start tapping away at my keyboard again.


He came home while I was showering. A part of me was nervous that the same thing would happen again...but another part of me was hoping it would. I don't know why. I think there's something wrong with me. Instead, he kicked his shoes off and went back downstairs until I finished. It was obvious that he was uneasy about what had happened. It's probably my fault for acting so weird initially. I'm not afraid of him or anything...he didn't really scare me. I actually kind of liked it...and that's what makes me nervous. I can't figure out why I liked it! Maybe...I feel more than an attachment as my caretaker...but then...what do I feel for him exactly? I thought to myself for a while as I sat in the kitchen eating dried fruit.

"Cara?" He called to me lowly.
"Hm?" I lifted my head to meet his eyes.
"What are you up to in here all alone?" There was an almost skeptical tone in his voice.
"Usually when you're alone and quiet it means you're about to wreck my shit...."
"Not this time..." I returned my gaze to the floor ahead of me.

He stood in front of my spot on the counter, obstructing my view. I felt his hand on the top of my head. He rested it there for a moment before starting to pet me. I resisted the urge to purr for him. He moved his hand to under my chin and scratched lightly with one finger.

"I hope you're not too upset with me. I'm sorry."
"I'm not...upset..." I started, "Just a little surprised..."
"It's nothing." I quickly retracted my statement.

He stared into my eyes and as I stated back I tried to read him. I couldn't figure out what that look in his eyes was. What I did figure out while staring into them, however, was that I didn't want him to ever leave me. I wanted to feel his touch every day for as long as I lived. I wanted him to hold me and comfort me whenever I needed it. I wanted his kiss. I wanted to take care of him. But I didn't know whether I should tell him that or not. I decided to sleep on it instead.

"Excuse me...I'm gonna go to sleep early."

I waited for him to move aside so I could hop off the counter but he didn't. Instead, he held my face in his hands and placed the softest kiss on my lips.


After I kissed her she got down off the counter and walked back to the guest room. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. I fucked up. If she wasn't mad before she's definitely mad now. I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face. Well shit, there's nothing left to do but take a shower and go to bed. Take this L and prepare for another day.

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