Inner Conflict

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It's been 3 days since Patches started living with me as Cara. I can't call her a pet really because she's a person but I still have to take care of her like a pet. It's really complicated. I ended up spending over $300 buying her clothes the other day. It's still weird to be living with her as a human because of the bed situation. I told her to sleep in one of the guest rooms but I still woke up the past couple mornings with her in my bed. It's frustrating to even think of her. She's a beautiful girl and all...and I'll admit that she's my type...but I just can't get over the fact that she's a kitten. It's almost like seeing an animal and saying Damn that's a sexy Panda. I just can't allow myself to slip into that thought process. I freed my mind of the thought and continued to respond to business emails. Cara, who was laying across the foot of my bed watching tv, crawled up next to me and closed my laptop. She looked up at me with those bright feline eyes.

"Pet me?"
"I'm in the middle of something."

I reopened my laptop to continue the email she just interrupted only to have it closed again by an irritable kitty.

"Pet me~!" She whined at me.
"Let me finish these emails."
"No~! Pet me now~!" She kept whining.

I sighed, placed my laptop on my nightstand, and patted my lap which she happily jumped into. I gently stroked her head while watching TV. I could hear her soft purring and, for the most part, it's kind of a relaxing sound. She nuzzled me softly, getting closer to my chest. I stopped petting her and immediately she whined. I picked my laptop back up, continuing the emails I was trying to write earlier.

"Entertain me, human."
"I'm working. And my name is Chris."
"Play. With. Me."
"Not now, Cara."

She crawled on me, starting to nibble on my face. I continued to type my emails. I didn't have too many left to send so I just kind of ignored her. She got more and more irritated, starting to nibble on my ear and jaw harder than before. I sighed.

"I have work to do, Cara. Now get off me and behave until I finish."
"No." She wrapped her leg around my torso and her arms around my neck, again biting my ear.
"What are you doing? Why won't you let me work?"
"I want attention!"
"If you just let me work I'll give you all the attention you want when I'm done."

She pouted, finally unraveling herself from around me. She curled up into her default ball by my thigh. I finally finished my emails in about half an hour...but don't trust that time measurement because I didn't check the clock even once.

"Are you done?"
"Yes. I'm done."
"Yay! Pet me!"

I shut down my laptop, plugged it in, and put it back on my nightstand. Immediately and even before I could turn around she was sprawled across my lap. I slowly ran my hand down her spine. It seemed to make her happy. The arch of her back curved so well...I wonder how it looks while I'm— No! I don't want that. I don't want none of that thought in my head. She looked up at me. I raised my eyebrow.

"What's that?" She questioned.
"What's what?"

She rolled off of my lap and pointed. Dammit, Chris. Why can't you just control your fucking hormones. Now I'm hard and she's probably uncomfortable. She stared directly at it for a moment before her hand came up and moved toward it. I jumped up.

"Whoa! What are you doing?"
"I'm curious."
"Ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?"
"...Well I'm not a cat right now. What is it? Let me see!"
"Um. Hell no. It's my personal business what it is and I don't wanna share that information."

She frowned up and pouted at me. I'm not falling for that bullshit. I grabbed a towel and fresh set of clothes because a cold shower is the only thing that'll fix this problem without making the both of us uncomfortable.

I made sure to close and lock the bathroom door behind me. After taking a long cold shower I got dressed in my bathroom, something I haven't done in years, and walked back into my room. When I opened my bathroom door, she was sitting there giving me the saddest face she could manage. I feel bad...but I don't regret not showing her my dick. That would be weird...right? I pulled her off the floor by her hand and hugged her. She pushed me.

"Alright. Your choice." I shrugged on my way back to my bed.

She beat me to it, sprawling across as much of it as she could. I went to sit down and she hissed at me. No fucking way.

"Listen. This is my bed. You're not gonna take it over just 'cause you have an attitude."
"...Fuck you."
"That's it."

I picked her up, tossing her over my shoulder and carried her, kicking and screaming, to the guest room. She wouldn't get down once I stepped through the doorway.

"Get down. I'm not even holding you anymore."
"No. I don't wanna be in this room."
"Stop being a brat. You're sleeping in here because you can't behave yourself. It's your own fault."

Enough negotiating. I threw her on the bed— with much dificulty. She clawed at my shirt until there were holes in it. Then I left her there to evaluate what just happened and why. I closed the door behind me on my way back to my room. It's not much of a punishment but how in the hell do you punish a grown ass woman? Sure she acts like a brat but I can't spank'd probably just turn me on in all honesty. I closed and locked my room door because I knew she'd try to sneak into my bed in the middle of the night. God, taking care of someone is frustrating. I had a hard time falling asleep.

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