Chapter 2: I Remember You, But I Know You Don't Remember Me

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Gerard POV

  I sighed and enter to Starbucks. There was a bit of a line, not a lot of people today. I sighed and got in line.

 There was a lady ordering. She had raven hair color and pale skin. She had a light jacket that sleeves were halfway to her arms. She had an arm sleeve tattoo. I swear I seen that arm sleeve tattoo somewhere. 

 I sighed as the lady finish ordering. I try to get a glimpse of her face but she was putting away her wallet in her purse, so I didn't get a chance to see it. 

 I order my coffee and went to go sit, close to the counter. I waited for a couple of seconds. 

 "Lindsey!" The worker call and set the coffee on the counter. 

 The same lady stood up and went to pick up her coffee. She looked familiar. Wait! The arm sleeve tattoo, pale skin, raven hair color, red lips. The pieces fell into place. It was Lindsey Ballato. 

 Outside, I was just there, sitting, waiting for my coffee. But on the fucking inside I was screaming! 

 It was Lindsey Ballato! The last time I saw Mindless Self Indulgence was around 2002 I believe. They had came to New Jersey and Mikey and I went to see them. 

 I had brought a rose with me to give to Lindsey, since she is my band member crush. 

 Luckily, I got the courage to do so. Well, Mikey kinda drag me to her. 

*"You're going to meet Lindsey, Gerard! You'll regret it and since you're too fucking shy to go up and meet her, unlike the rest of the fans, I'm dragging you to her! Got it?" Mikey said dragging me to Lindsey. 

 As she finish taking a photo with a fan, she saw us and smiled at us. 

 I swear I was going to melt in any moment. 

 As the fan left, she turn to us. 

Oh fuck! She's prettier up close! I thought. 

 "Hi," Lindsey said. 

 "Hey Lindsey," I said. I felt retarded mode had just activated. Like really, I turned really awkward when I talked to pretty girls. And Lindsey, she's beautiful! 

 She gave me another smile. Oh God, her smile is beyond beautiful! I sound like a loverboy now.

 Mikey asked her for me if we can take a picture with her. She said, "of course," and we took a picture. 

  I awkwardly asked for an autograph and she gave me her autograph. I swear this is the closest I have ever gotten to a crush. Well, band member crush... 

 Mikey left first before me to go meet Steve. I stayed behind, building courage to give her the rose I got her. Once I finally got the courage, I gave her the red rose and left quickly.*

"Gerard!" The worker said. 

 I thought as I went to get my coffee, what if Lindsey was really Lindsey Ballato? Probably a look a like. I read there is about seven people in the whole world that looks alike. Maybe she was. Maybe she wasn't. 

 As I kept walking, I bumped into someone. That someone happened to be Lindsey. Shit. 

 "Oh damn!" She said. I had made her drop her coffee all over her shirt and the floor. Double shit. 

 "I'm sorry!" I said and she looked at me. 

 This is defiantly Lindsey Ballato. She seemed to remember me, maybe, because she looked at me longer than a normal person would. 

In The Dark, I See You (Lindsey and Gerard Way fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now