Chapter 8: Attack

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Gerard P.O.V. 

 I put on my black shirt that is now has a painted neon blue line. I still couldn't get off my mind on what Lindsey told me. And the fact she was willing to take me to the creek. I guess she really does care about me. 

 I went to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. I look through my fridge and only found old beer cans, orange juice, lime, an apple, a couple of eggs, and milk. I bet the milk has gone bad already. I sighed. I really wasn't hungry. 

 As I made my way to the couch, I hear my phone ring. I quickly go to my room and pick up my phone. It was Lindsey. 

 "Hey Lindsey." I said. 

 "G-Gerard, p-please come quickly!" She stuttered. 

 "What's going on?" I asked alarmed. 

 "I-I'm h-having an attack," Lindsey said. 

 "Okay, where are you," I asked getting my shoes on. 

 "M-my apartment." She said. 

 "I'll be there." I said and ran out. 

 "Don't hang up, Lindsey," I said running down the street. 

 "I w-won't," Lindsey said. 

 "What kind of attack are you having?" I asked.

 "J-Jennifer calls it a p-panic attack," Lindsey said. 

 "Okay. Just breathe in and breathe out. I'll be there." I said. I was running out of breath. I'm not in shape.

 "A-are you running?" She asked. 

 "Yeah." I said breathless. "Don't worry I'm almost there."

 "O-okay," Lindsey said. 

  I kept running. I don't care if I'm running out of breath, I'm going to help Lindsey. 

 Keep running. I said to myself. 

 From my apartment to Lindsey's was about five miles. In about three miles, there was a man riding a bike. 

 "Excuse me sir. Let me borrow your bike." I said to the man. 

 "Why for?" He asked stopping. 

 I took a deep breath. "My, uh, girlfriend is having a panic attack and I need to be with her right now." I said. I hope Lindsey didn't hear that over the phone.

 "Oh, yeah, I'll let you borrow it." He said getting off. He handed me the bike and I rode off. The bike was a cruiser. For the rest of the miles, I rode with the bike. 

 "Lindsey, open the door," I said knocking on the door. She wouldn't open it up. 

 "G-get the key. I-it's next to t-that plant." Lindsey said. 

 I dug around the dirt and looked for a key. I found the silver key buried under the dirt and next to the plant. I brush the dirt off and unlocked the door. 

 "Lindsey, where are you?" I asked. 

 "In m-my room," Lindsey said through the phone. 

 I closed the door and ran to her room. Lindsey was sitting on her bed, she was shaking violently. Tears running down her face. 

 "Lindsey." I said and ran to her.  "Calm down. Breathe in and breathe out. Focus on breathing." 

 She nods. I pull Lindsey for a hug. She rests her head on my shoulder. She was still shaking. "Just breathe." I cooed in her ear.

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