Chapter 6: A Little Bit Of The Truth

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Gerard POV

 The past last weeks of tour, when we had play Truth or Dare, Lindsey was kind of zone out. She was herself on stage, but off stage, she wasn't the same Lindsey before the tour. 

 I think the kiss really did bother her. I don't know why. I don't know anything about her love life. So, I guess it has to do with that.

 I sighed and drank my coffee. I was back in my apartment. Warped Tour is over now. I have been sober for about three weeks. I am actually proud of that. 

 I looked at the blank piece of paper. Next to it was a pencil. 

 I wanted to draw something. I know what I wanted to draw. But, I can't draw it. I didn't want Lindsey to think I'm a creep. 

 "Just do it, Gee. It's not like she's going to see the drawing anyway," I said to myself. 

 I picked up the pencil and started to draw. 

 What I drew? I drew Lindsey looking at the rose I have given her. I had always remember the way she looked at the rose. 

 After an hour and a half of drawing and shading the picture, it was finish. I looked at the picture until got a text. 

  It was from Lindsey. 'Hey Gee. Mind helping me with painting my living room?' 

 I smiled. 'Yeah. I'll help. What time?' 

 After sending the text, I went to my closet to get some old jeans and a plain black shirt. I hear the beep. 

 'You can come over now if you like.' 

 I got my old Chuck Taylor's. 

 'Be there in 30.'

 I knock on the apartment door of room 182. How ironic. She has apartment 182 when one of her favorite bands happens to be Blink-182. 

 "Hey, Gee. Are you ready?" Lindsey said with a smile.


 We both walk to the living room. Everything was ready, the walls, the floor covered with old rags, paints ready. I saw the color black out of all the colors

 "You're painting the living room black?" I asked.

 "It's the main color. We're first painting it black. Then we can move on," Lindsey said grabbing a paint brush.

 I painted one side of the room and Lindsey had painted the other one. After painting all the walls, we lay down on the floor to relax for a moment. 



 "Remember after we played Truth or Dare, you said you'll tell me on why it had bothered you that I kissed you," I said. 

 "I'll tell you now. It didn't bothered me that you kissed me. It bothered me that I was being kissed." Lindsey said. 

 I knew there was a little bit of truth in that, but she was hiding something more. 

 "Why were you bothered being kissed?" I asked. 

 She sighed. 

 "I don't believe in love like that anymore," Lindsey said. 

 "Why," I asked. 

 "I guess I'm too scare to fall in love again," Lindsey said. 

 "Why are you scare?" I whispered. 

 "Because," Lindsey whispered. "I had my heart broken. Now, I'm scared to get it broken again. I don't even think it's fixed at all."

 "You don't have to be scare of falling in love, Lindsey." I said.

 "I'm scare, okay." Lindsey stated. 

 "Well, when you find your future husband and you marry him, you'll find out the reason why it didn't work with the others," I said. 

 "Really," Lindsey said. 

 "I promise you that." I said. 

 Lindsey turned her head and smiled at me. She has a beautiful smile. I smiled back at her. 

 "Tell me, Gee," Lindsey said. "How's it been since Warped?" 

 "I've been fine. I actually started drawing again." I said. 

 "You draw?" Lindsey said sitting up. 

 "Yeah. You didn't know that." I said now sitting up. 

 "Can I see them sometime?" Lindsey asked. 

 "Well, we can see it now since we're waiting for the paint to dry." I said. 


 I pull out some drawings that I have been doing lately. I don't show her the drawing of her and the rose. 

 "Wow, Gee. You're really good at drawing." Lindsey said looking at the drawing of a vampire. 

 "Thanks." I said blushing a little bit. "Want some coffee?" 

 "Yeah." Lindsey reply. 

 I head to the kitchen and start the coffee machine. When I came back to the room, Lindsey was looking at a drawing of her... oh fuck. 

 I froze at the doorway. It's the one with the rose.

 "It is him." I hear Lindsey whisper to herself. 

 "Y-yeah. I was the one." I said quietly. 

 Lindsey jumps a little and turns around and looks at me. She smiles. 

 "You were the one that gave me the rose after the concert." Lindsey stated. 

 "Yeah." I said quietly. 

 She stands closer to me. I look down at our feet. Lindsey lifts my chin up so I can look at her. 

 "Hey, look at me," Lindsey said sweetly. "Why did you ran away after you gave me the rose? I've been looking for you since then." 

 "I guess I ran away because I barley had the guts to come up to you. I mean, Mikey had to threaten me to go talk to you because I was shy. So I did it quickly..." I trail off. I was really stupid. 

 "Thank you," Lindsey said quietly. I can feel her warm breath hit my face softly when she said that. 

 "For what?"

 "It was what I was going to tell you before you disappear from me," Lindsey said. 

 "I'm sorry I disappeared from you." I said quietly. 

 "Don't be," Lindsey said and gave me a smile. Her smile always made me smile. 

 "So, who are you staying with since your apartment smells like paint," I asked. 

 "With Jennifer," Lindsey said. I nod my head. "Are you okay, Gerard?" 

 "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. 

 "Well, if you need to talk to anyone, call me. I have to go now. Jennifer wants me to go shopping with her later." Lindsey said.

 "Okay. I will." I said. 

 "Hey, um, meet me at my place tomorrow and we can paint again. After that, I want to show you somewhere, okay," Lindsey said. 

 "Where are we going?" I asked. 

 Lindsey smiled and got closer to me. "That's for me to know and for you to find out," Lindsey said. She kissed my cheek. "Bye Gee." 

 "Bye Lindsey." 

 I was a little bit daze about the kiss. Did she really just kissed my cheek?

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