"Eh? N-no you got this all wrong! I'm not strong at all, I can barely land a punch on anyone!"Kaneki stamered. You smiled and sniffed him. "I can tell there's something inside you that will make you stronger..one day." Kaneki gave you a confused look and you backed up. You went into his kitchen and opened his fridge. "Gezz..there's nothing in here. " Kaneki notice you in his fridge and felt a little embarrassed. "All you have in here is coffee." "O-oh..I'm sorry. Being a ghoul and all doesn't really give me a reason to go to the grocery store." You sighed and walked into his room pulling out his blue jacket and putting it on. "Well then.." You grabbed his hand and raced out the door hidding your ears and tail. "..Let's go!" You dragged him to the grocery store and picked up couple cans of tuna and a pack of raw chicken. "Um.. (F/n)-san..I don't have any money..." He said scratching his cheek. "Good thing I do then!" You pulled out a couple yen from your pocket. "Where did you get that?"
"I pick pocket a few people on the way here."
"What? (F/n)-san!" He panic. "You eat people to survive,I pick pocket to survive." You said walking away to pay for the food. Kaneki looked around for a second and something caught his eye. "Um.. (F/n)-san...can I barrow a few yen?" He asked you before you walked out the store. You handed him the rest of your money and he disappeared to pay for what ever he bought. You two soon got home and you placed the food in the fridge and took out a can of tuna fish. "So what did you get?" You asked eating the fish. Kaneki hid it behind his back and looked over to you. "If you want to be my cat, then I must train you to do what ever I say. " He smiled pulling a bag of cat nip out from behind him. Your eyes widen and turned into a cats eyes. Kaneki put some on the couch and as soon as it hit the fabric, you were already rolling around on it. You soon snapped out of it and looked at him. "Hey don't do that! " You yelled frustrated with him. He laughed and waved the nip around making you a victim of the wonderful herb jumping onto kaneki hugging him tightly as you both fell to the ground. You snapped out of it again and looked at him with anger written all over your face. "Kaneki!!!"