(Aww! Look at my cinnamon roll in that flower crown! CX)
*Time Skip ~ 5 years*
You and Kaneki sat in the living room with Hikari and Reed watching the news on the TV. All four of you studied the reports of how many ghoul attacks have been rapidly growing around the 20th ward. You noticed the twins sitting exactly alike and we're wearing the same clothes as well. You leaned over to Kaneki and whispered. "Is it just me or does that look a little creepy to anyone else?" Kaneki noticed them and slowly nodded. "I'm going to go make some coffee." Kaneki said getting up. After 5 minutes he handed Hikari and Reed a tiny cup and sat down next to you'Oshiete Oshiete yo dono shikumi wo,boku no naka ni, dare ga iru no?'
Kaneki slowly turned his head towards you and gave you a 'are you serious? ' face. You looked at him. "..oh! That's my phone." You took it out of your pocket and turned down the ringer. "I got a notification.." You said scratching your cheek. "Is that seriously your ring tone?" "Yes and I like it. It's a good song.."
The kids looked at you with the same face. "What? It''s a good song and I'm keeping it!" You said. Kaneki chuckled. "Speaking of phones..can you call mine I've seemed to misplace it." "Yeah sure." You dialed his number and it started to Ring. A few seconds later, the Nayn cat song started to play. "Are you kidding me?" You looked at him. "What? It matches you." He laughed. "Okay that is actually offensive." Kaneki found it on the counter and turned it off." sorry." You heard a knock at the door and Kaneki answered it. "Hello, Hinami-chan." He said. "Hi kaneki-kun! I wanted to stop by and see Hikari and Reed!" She said cheerfully. "You really do like them don't you Hinami-chan." You said smiling. "Mhm!" She jumped. Kaneki let her in and she walked over to them and sat down next to them. "Have they used their Kagune's yet?" She asked. "Well, not yet. We really don't know what the age is for them to start using their Kagune's. But they can turn into small cats. Show her." You smiled. Hikari and Reed smiled at their mother and stood up changing into tiny black and white cats. "I wonder. A ghoul uses it's Kagune first at the age of 5 so, I wonder if I.."
She tapped their lower backs and they both seemed to move around a little weird. "What just happened? " Kaneki asked. "That usually helps a ghoul use their Kagune for the first time. My mother had to do that for me. " Hinami-chan explained. "Why don't we take them out back so if their Kagune's do decide to work, they won't break anything. Kaneki picked them and you three headed out side. Kaneki placed them on the ground and they were still moving a little weird and letting out tiny mews. Red spots on their backs appeared and two red tentacle like things slid from their backs. "Well, at least we know their your children." You laughed. The little kittens with two Kagune's out of their backs played trying to hit the other with them.
Not far off, someone in a black hoodie was taking pictures of the Twins and quickly ran off. Later the next day, a package was sent to Amira and inside were those pictures. "Hm? A new hybrid of ghouls? And Eyepatch is in the picture as well with that neko. " He placed the pictures down and wrote a note saying "Inform CCG to make a new Quinque"