Ghoul Investigators looked everywhere for you. They covered the street. "Mommy, someone's coming." Hikari said pointing at the dark figure down the hall way. "Hikari.. get behind me. " He did as he was told and you waited to see who it was. "(F/n)-san? Are you hear?" Sasaki was calling your name.
He found you and and a small smile appeared on his lips. When he got closer, Yomo stepped in and hit him square across the face with a punch. He fell to the ground hold his cheek tightly hissing at the pain. "That's one hell of a must be a ghoul also." He got up and stared at you. "I'm sorry--.." "Shut up! Do you really expect me to believe your shit?" Luckily, Yomo covered the kids ears before they hear anything. " I understand that. But what you need to understand is that this is all uire's fault. Not mine." You still didn't believe him.
"I still don--..!" "Get down!" Sasaki tackled you to the floor. A bomb just went off in the top floor. Yomo got the Hikari and Reed out of harm and the same with Sasaki and you. You pushed him off and noticed that you were surrounded.
"It's pointless to keep running.." You muttered. "Yomo! Keep them safe for me." You gave him a small smile. You stood up and held your hands out waiting to be handcuffed but instead, they beat you in the back of the head with their guns knocking you unconscious. Sasaki grabbed your body before you hit the cold floor. They took your body and did the same with it as they did to Kaneki.
They locked you in a room and placed something or someone in there with you. You opened your eyes wide and looked around. "Fuck..not this room again. " You noticed a briefcases in front of you. You slowly walked closer to it and kaneki's sent got stronger every step you took. Your eyes widen as you slowly opened it.
Your screaming caught everyone's attention. You held it to your chest and sat in the corner crying. "Why?.. why did they do this to you?..Kaneki." You couldn't see him but Kaneki was sitting next to you. "I don't know.." He replied to your question. "What am I going to do now? Maybe I should give up. " Kaneki looked at you in shock. You couldn't hear or see him. " What are you saying? You would never give up. So don't start now!" He touched your shoulder witch made you twich. "Huh? What was that?" You said rubbing your shoulder.'She can feel me..' Kaneki thought. "..Kaneki..are you really Sasaki?" "Sadly..yes. He keeps screwing up." He said shaking his head. He caressed your cheek making you shutter. You rubbedyour cheek and just shrugged it off. "It seems that I won't be bothered for a few hours..might as well sleep." You laid your head on the cold floor and closed your eyes. Kaneki kissed your forehead and held you.
You sat in a chair silently with in a monochrome colored. You heard foot steps behind you making you turn your head. "Huh?..KANEKI?!" You jumped out of your chair and ran to give him a hug. He held you tightly. "Kaneki! I missed you so much!" You cried. "I missed you too." He said sweetly. " You smiled and looked up to his sad face. "What's wrong?" You asked. "You were alone. I promised to come back, but I didn't ." He looked away. You placed your hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. "It's alright. Your here now." You smiled. "But only when your near the case or sleeping." You frowned. "..." Kaneki kissed the tip of your head. "I'll stay with you if you listen to me." He said pulling out a tiny bottle. "When you wake up, this bottle will be in your hands. I want you to open the briefcases slightly and grabbed a piece of my kagune. Place it in the bottle but be quick. Nothing but a monster lives inside that box. " You nodded and grabbed the bottle. "You won't be able to see or hear me, but you will be able to feel me.""Alright." He smiled and kissed your lips.
You opened your eyes, staring at the briefcase. You felt something small in your hands. You opened them to see the tiny bottle. You sat up and unlocked the box. You inhaled deeply and opened it slightly and stuck your hand in. You almost puked feeling his hair get tangled in your fingers and his cold fingers You finally found it and took out a tiny piece. You looked at it in awe. It was red and twiching a little bit. You forgot to close the box and a hand grabbed your arm. "Aahh!" You screamed and tried to pull out of its grasp. It finally let go and you quickly closed it. You put his Kagune in the bottle. You held it to your chest and a pair of warm arms wrapped around you. "I love you."