(Almost) Midnight Cravings 101

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It was 10:00 and I was wide awake thinking about the fight Jay and I had. Why would we fight? I have no idea. It's just getting so exhausting. Ever since he has gotten here we've barely talked to each other and when we do see each all we do is fight. I just don't like the idea of him keeping secrets from me. It's like whatever I do I can't get it out of him. So why try? He'll tell me when he's ready and if he doesn't then, oh well.

I'm really hungry. Or I'm just craving something because I've been thinking a lot. I feel like eating pizza bagels or ice cream or anything that'll make me stop thinking about food. I got out of bed and made my way to Chef's kitchen. He has to have some leftovers or something. 

I was almost to the kitchen when I bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry I w-" I looked up and saw Merissa in her blue pajamas. "Oh, hey Rissa."

"Hey, Ellie. What are you doing out of bed?", she asked in her scottish accent.

"Midnight snack, duh. What about you?"


We started walking to the kitchen together talking about random things.

"Your friends came from back on the island, right?"

I started to feel a little pain in my heart, but quickly recovered.

"Um, yeah. I wouldn't necessarily call them my friends, but yeah they're here in Auradon. I could introduce them to you."

She started laughing. "Um, they should be asleep by now. It's 10 o'clock."

I was confused by what she said before I realized. "Oh, I'm not gonna wake them up now. I meant tomorrow."

"Oh, right, I knew that.", she lied.

I laughed at her and we were walking through the door that leads to the kitchen. We walked in only to be welcomed by the people I didn't want to see the most and Lonnie, Mulan's daughter. They all just looked at me and I just ignored their stares.

"Hey, Lonnie. How are you?", I asked.

"Good, actually. And you?"

I put the best fake smile on my face. "Just peachy. Love the hair by the way.", I said pointing to her new hair style.

She started rubbing it. "Thanks, Mal did it for me. She did it for Jane too."

I looked over at Mal and she just kept stirring whatever is in that cook bowl.

"Really? Wow, that's so nice of Mal."

"Well, I'm always trying to help.", she said looking up from something under a towel. The spell book. Oh god, what is she doing?

"Lonnie, I think Merissa wanted to talk to you about something.", I said, trying to get her out of here.

"About what?", Lonnie asked, eating a chocolate chip.

"I don't know, go on ahead and talk in the hallway."

I turned around and saw Merissa looking very confused. I gave her a pleading look and she just sighed but went along with it. 

"Yeah, Lonnie, I have something to talk about with the thing that happened in the thingery area with the 'POW! POW! POW!'." We just stared at her blankly. "Come on, I'll show you." She grabbed Lonnie's arm and dragged her out of the kitchen. I mouthed a thank you to her and she just put a thumbs up.

I turned around and stared at Mal who just kept stirring her her bowl.

"So, watcha guys making?", I asked.

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