I'm Done

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"You have to go to school! It's the main reason you're even here!", Ariana yelled, trying to get me out of bed.

I was under my covers hiding from daylight. I didn't feel like going to school. I didn't feel like doing anything. I just wanted to sit and think. Maybe go down to me and Ben's thinking place to sit and think. I just won't go to school. Going to school means seeing them. I don't even want to say their names. I'm sure if I'll see them I'll probably lose control and freeze someone. On accident of course. I'm not gonna take that risk. I'm not evil.

"EL! GET UP! TALK TO ME!", Ariana yelled in my face.

"Just tell Fairy Godmother I was sick and couldn't go to school."

"You're going to miss the tourney game. Jay, Ben, and even Carlos is playing."

I didn't respond. Everytime I think about them or hear their names I just blank out. I don't know why.

"Did you hear me?", she asked.

I got out from under the blankets and sighed. "Yes, Ariana! I heard you, and I'm still not going. Just let me drown my thoughts in ice cream and chocolate.", I said, grabbing my ice cream from my bedside table.

She just stared at me with her mouth wide open.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked.

"Y-You're hair.", she stuttered.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Um, it's.... BLUE!"

My eyes widened and I quickly got up to my mirror to see my hair dip dyed blue.

"WHAT THE HELL?", I yelled.

"Why is your hair blue?", she asked.

"I don't know! But I feel like I know who did this.", I walked out of the room determined to find the she-devil who made my hair like this.

"Um, Ellie.", I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Ariana's head popped out of the door.


"You're still in your pajamas."

I looked down and saw that I was indeed still in my blue leopard pajamas. I blushed and ran back to my room putting on actual decent clothes (a/n: Outfit, pajamas, and hair is in the picture at the top!). I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my washed. I took my phone with me and walked out of the bathroom.

"Cute outfit, but you forgot about the dress code.", Ariana said, eyeing me up and down.

"I'm not going to school. I'm just gonna visit the person who did this to my hair." I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the dorm.

"How do you even know who it is?", she asked.

"Following my instincts and my instincts are usually right."

"But I need to go to my locker.", Ariana whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I let her go and she was running down the hall.

"I'll see you at lunch!", she yelled.

"Whatever.", I mumbled.

I went to the person's locker to see if she was there. I turned the corner only to bump into someone's locker.

"OW!", I yelled.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" The person closed their locker and I saw Ben with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, I'm fine. Worse things have happened the past few days. This just tops it all off with a cherry."

He laughed and held my face up to take a good look at my nose. "It doesn't look so bad. I'm still very sorry though."

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