The Emergency

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I walked inside of the building while everyone else was continuing to take their seats. Good thing no one even noticed me walking through. I expected everyone to just gawk at me after what happened at Family Day, but all I got were a few whispers and stares. I've received worse from people. I felt Ana tug at my hand just while I was looking to find a seat for all of us.

"Oh my. This place is absolutely wonderful.", Olaf said, "But where are the snow decorations?"

I put a warm smile on my face and just shook my head. Once I got to a bench that has opening spots in it I quickly went over and sat in them with my family following behind me. Once we all sat I had Ana holding my glove-covered hand while my mom was holding my other one. I sighed and looked around. Everyone from Auradon was here. Including all the royal families. It was amazing to see all of them.

When I turned my head back I found Mal in the bench behind me looking down at her hands. She looked different- in a good way of course. She was wearing a ruffly purple dress that had the hint of sparkles on it. Attached to the dress was a long cape with special designing on the bottom that complimented the dress perfectly. Her hair was put up into a nice bun topped with a pretty tiara. I couldn't see her shoes because her dress covered them, but I knew they probably looked stunning. I wasn't used to seeing Mal like this, but it's a good look over all. Even though by tomorrow I know she's just gonna put back on her leather jackets and combat boots. It's just how she is.

She didn't notice me staring so I just stopped, not wanting to make my staring seem weird. I didn't bother saying hi to her just because I feel that it would be awkward. No need to start something at Ben's coronation. Speaking of Ben, where is he?

I thought I'd see him talking to some of the people in the crowd like he usually does on special occasions, but he wasn't. Oh well, the time will come when he has to put that crown on his head. I continued my staring and that resulted in pairs of eyes from the crowd staring right back at me. Evie, Carlos, and Jay were looking down at me from the upper level balcony. They all looked clean cut which threw me off. I'm seriously not used to seeing them like this at all. Oh well, might as well get used to it. I noticed Jay look at me longer than the rest and I started feeling insecure. He's never really seen me all girl-ed up before in a dress and everything sparkly. So my new look must be new for him too.

They all seemed nervous and quiet. It scared me a little. Whatever Jay told me they were planning for this coronation must have thrown them on edge. Which explains why Mal looks so deep in thought. I just hope whatever they've planned doesn't turn out bad.

I felt my purse vibrate, so I hurriedly opened it to see that Ariana and Ben texted me.

Ariana: Where are you? I texted you an hour ago saying there was an emergency! You need to get down to the main hall pronto!

Oh my god! I totally forgot about the 'emergency' that Ari and the girls were telling me about. I better find her before the coronation starts.

And then there's Ben's text that says:

Ben: Hey! I am making my way out of the fitting room right now. I'll see you soon. :)

I decided to text back with an 'Ok'. Once I did that I told my mom I needed to go check up on Ariana to see what the emergency was, and she freely let me leave. Probably nothing that big, but I will help with whatever I can. Ever since I blew her off for the coronation decorating thing I've felt kind of bad. My problems with the 'Descendants'-so Merissa likes to call them- has nothing to do with my friends here. Absolutely nothing. And I have to try and be friends with both without excluding one group. The struggle of being in more than one group of friends.

I was trying to find the main hall right now because I have no idea where that is. I just kept walking around the building to find her. Eventually after a couple minutes I found her looking out the window with a headset in on. She was wearing a pink dress with her velvet hair pressed straight down. She looked just like her mom except without the tail. Once she saw me coming towards her she stared at me-or just my outfit.

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