The Musical Game

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I was at the lunch table talking to Jassie, Merissa, Ariana, Tamera, and Cindy.

"I don't want you to go! I need help picking out my coronation dress!", Tamera whined.

If you haven't noticed already I have whiny friends.

"Tammy, Ariana can help. She has better fashion sense than me. Don't you, Ari?", I asked, hoping she would back me up.

"Well, yeah, but you still can't go. I need help with decoration for the coronation's after party.", she said.

"You guys could've told me this stuff before I decided to leave.", I said, taking a mouth full of my spaghetti on my tray.

"We would've, but you've been to busy with the descendants.", Merissa said.

"The what?"

"Descendants, you know, someone or something that is descended from an ancestor." I raised my eyebrows still not understanding what she's trying to say. "The villain's kids, Ellie."


She sighed. "Sometimes I wonder how you have A's in all your classes."

I took one of Ariana's french fries and threw it at Rissa.

"Hey, dude you should know never to mess with a girl's fries.", Ariana said, hitting me on the back of the head.

I rubbed the back of my head to make the pain go away. "Geez, sorry. And I haven't been spending that much time with them."

"Yes, you have. Aren't they the reason you're really leaving?", Jassie asked.

I looked down at my food and didn't say anything.

"Exactly.", she mumbled.

"I get it, you guys feel like you've been left out lately."

"DUH! I get that they used to be your friends from the island, but you just can't trust them.", Tamera stated.

"What are you talking about? When I first came to this school off the island you guys trusted me.", I defended.

"Yeah, because your mother wasn't evil to begin with. King Beast and Queen Belle just made a mistake.", Cindy said.

"What does that have to do with anything? If someone in my family was my father for example, will you guys still be my friends?", I asked.

"I thought you didn't know your father is.", Ariana said.

"I don't, it's just an example."

"We would still be your friends. At least we know you have some good in you. But those people over there," Jassie pointed across from me at the table they  were sitting at. "They were born evil. They can't be trusted. Especially that one." She pointed to Mal.

"You guys don't know that. Maybe their other parents are good people too.", I reasoned.

"It doesn't matter, they can't have any good in them if they're the children of the most evil, vicious, rotten villains ever. That's just not possible.", Tamera said.

"Um, be quiet . They're coming over here.", Cindy said.

I looked behind me and they were actually coming over here. I quickly got up and started walking away.

"I'll probably see you guys at the tourney game.", I called back to the table I was sitting at.

I hurried back to my dorm with people staring at me. I guess the news spread around fast about me leaving. You gotta love high school. I was about to unlock my door when a person poked my shoulder. I turned around and saw them.

The Thief (Descendants/Jay Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now