Welcome Home

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~~~~Ellie's POV~~~~

I fell forward as the carriage came to a stop. I'm guess I'm home. I took out my phone and turned on the camera making sure there were no tear stains on my face. I have accepted what is going on. I am staying here to learn more about me and my powers and to be closer to my family. I will not stay here forever though. I would miss Auradon Prep too much. That place is practically like my second home. Hopefully, I can convince my mother of that.

The door to the carriage opened and I saw the coachman holding it.

"Thank you." I said, getting my bags.

There it was. The beautiful castle in all its glory. On the outside you might actually think of it as a haunted house. That's what I see anyway. But when you see the inside it's something totally different. A million rooms, one thousand chefs, one hundred maids, and-


And one snowman.

I looked down and saw Olaf hugging my legs. He was still the same. Big carrot nose, goofy smile, the one tooth in the middle of his mouth, and an uneven body. He is so adorable it just makes me want to hug him. He's also a great friend. I know it's weird to think of a snowman as a friend, but Olaf has all the qualities of one. He's loyal, witty, charming, trusting, he's never angry-like I said everything you need.

"Hey, Olaf. How've ya been little buddie?", I asked.

"I've been cold. What about you?", he asked, still not letting go of my legs.

"Well, I'm good, I guess. Do you mind letting go of my legs?", I asked, feeling my ankles get numb.

He let go and started laughing.

"Sorry, Charlie.", he joked. He turned back to the castle and put his arms out. "Welcome home!"

I smiled down at him and he just took my hand and dragged me into the castle. I looked behind me and saw the coachman get my bags.

"Thank you!", I yelled before the doors closed.

I looked inside and saw the a big hallway with nothing in it. That's useless.

I almost tripped on my feet as Olaf kept on dragging me somewhere.

"Okay Olaf, where are we going?", I asked.

"To Elsa. Duh.", he said, simply.

I stopped in my tracks and found myself looking at a blue room filled with pictures of random people and seats all around. Almost like an art gallery.

Olaf turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!", he exclaimed, trying to pull me once again, but I stayed in my tracks. He turned back around and looked at me with concern written on his face.

"What's wrong, Ellie?", he asked.

I sat down in one of the seats near the wall and put my head down in my hands.

"Ellie? Do you need a hug?", he asked.

Did I mention he likes warm hugs?

I unwrapped my hands from my face and saw his twig arms spread wide open. I laughed and felt a little better.

"No thanks, Olaf. I'm fine.", I said, shaking off the feeling I was having a minute ago.

"Are you sure? You're looking kind of blue.", he said. "And I don't mean the hair."

I put a big smile on my face and nodded.

"Good. Come on, then!", he said, running away to doors that I'm guessing lead to my mother.

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