My Second Night or My Last Night?

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"Raaaaaaaaaah!" You were so irritated right now! Tonight you were going to your work site. Not as a Night Watch but, as a normal costumer! You were so afraid, you hated scary things, of course normally you wouldn't admit that to just anybody... Screw everybody else!

You looked at the Horror Attraction, it was freaky looking in the morning. When you paid your ticket you went in with some little kids, better to be with a bunch of kids than to be by yourself!

As soon you walked in you felt something watching you and the kids. You glared at your surroundings and you being the observant person you are you noticed an animatronic. Old looking, green and gold, and it had really creepy smile on its face. You almost squeaked in horror, almost.

"Alright guys let's get to the other room." One of the adults said. You didn't even notice there was an adult- I mean- another adult in here.

You and the kids kept it moving. While you walked around, someone grabbed your foot and you reacted in the only way you knew. You kicked and stomped the guy and didn't stop until he let you go! Then a "Hello...(Hello)" came to your ears! You turned around quickly!

You were met with the animatronic! You ran away as quickly as you could but you couldn't escape it. You should have stayed on track with the responsible adult, but you didn't you ran all over the place! You managed to out run the damn thing for some time, but you were running out of breath. (A/N: No you don't have asthma, you've just been running for a while in this tiny place. ^_^U) You were hiding in one of the rooms when someone came to get you. 'Oh GOD!' you thought, 'I'm going to die here!'

A hand was placed on your shoulder. "No! Leave me alone you creepy animatronic! I'll never die-" "It's me. ________ please calm down. It's just me." "Angela?" "Yes. Now let's go you were in here for two hours. I was so worried. Then I realized that you went here. Thank god you're alright."

WHAT?! Two HOURS?! No one came back in here to get you? The Snapple was that about? "Thanks for coming to get me. Hey what time is it?" "Oh! Um... 09:30pm. Hey, _______, isn't this your work site?"

"Oh. My GOD!" You screamed! "I have to get outta here and get ready for work!" "Okay, c'mon let's get you home."

As Angela guided you out of Fazbear's Fright Horror Attraction, you looked over your shoulder and saw the animatronic! Oooo! That... THING was going to pay!

-------- Time Skip Brought to you by "IT'S ME"---------

It was 9:50pm. You were listening to your music. Breakeven just started playing. You began to quietly sing the lyrics. You looked all around the damn place for the demonic animatronic. You were so going to give it a piece of your mind, but what if it's turned off? Awe! BOO! You were so upset. 'I want that demonic thing gone, not that there is anything wrong with demonic things, they could have a good meaning behind them. But THIS THING was going to have to be taken out of here! At least... so I don't have to see it... Were the mud is it, anyway?!' You thought to yourself.

You were just chilling there listening to JubyPhonic's English cover of Game of Life. The time was 10:10pm when you decided to take a nap in the office. You woke up to find that it was 11:50pm and your tablet was playing WILDFIRE!! (Cover) by JubyPhonic (A/N: I am so sorry I just love JubyPhonic! LULLY) You sat there and clocked in. Just waiting to hear your silly work buddy.

At 12:00am you were met with a beautiful ring, ring, from the phone and answered happily! Then you heard the horrifying news. The animatronic was in here and...

'Oh... My... God... What the cheese?!' After your goofy friend hung up the phone. You looked on the work tablet and low and behold the damned animatronic! You call him Dirty Goldie! Ah~ you are so weird. You love it! You seemed to hit the noise button in a room further from you and he appeared in there! Yes! Maybe you could make him go outside!

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