It's Your Birthday!!! (go wild reader...)

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A/N: There may be some cursing involved so brace yourselves!

After all the classes and all the homework was done you got to go to your dorm and sleep. For God's sake, you needed rest. You couldn't rest without a lullaby, though. To make it worse, your tablet died and you couldn't find your charger! You were going to use your computer, but Angela took it with her to one of her courses.

You walked out of your dorm."Grrrrrrrrrr. No one should talk to me today. I need to find a lullaby..."

As soon as you got out an irritating, "Hey, there~❤" came to your ears. 'Oh my god are you fucking kidding me?!?' You spun around with little hesitation and was ready to punch who ever it was, but turns out it was Vincent. Little dirt bag!

"WHAT?! What do you want form my life!!!" You were so not in the mood, you get grouchy when your haven't slept for 14 hours! You haven't slept since that dumb party.

"Just wanted to say, 'sup. So.... 'sup!" "Ugh! Leave me alone or I'll have a chunk of your arm in my mouth!" You growled. (A/N: You need sleep, you've turned into an animal... :P) "Where's your tablet? I want to listen to music." Who the fuck is this guy?

"Riiiiiiiight. You need to hear music... Go away! It's dead!" "Awwwww poor little baby. Can't sleep without a lullaby? Does the little baby need a bottle too?" Vincent teased, his hand was too close to your face, so...


You bit him! He wasn't going to get away with putting his hands in your face.

"Ouch!" He tried to get his hand back but you wouldn't give. "Let go of me you vicious animal!" He screamed as people watched and recorded this.

You let go. "I NEED YOU OUT OF MY FACE UNLESS YOU CAN FIND ME A COMPUTER!" Your patience was wearing thin right now. "Alright, alright! Follow me." The words made you feel uneasy but they passed right over you in your desperate need of sleep!

---- Time skip brought to you by a Picture of you following Vincent all half asleep---

You made it to his dorm. You growled at the bed that seemed to ask 'Are you ready to give up right here?' Wait- Wha??? You shook your head to respond to it. The bed seemed to be talking to you. Then again, you're are half asleep. 'Then run ________! You are not safe here!' "But I want to hear music..." You mumbled in response. 'Hurry! You must leave! Please _____! Listen to me and hurry!'

Oh God! You were talking to his bed. "What? The guy is standing right there. How can I out run him if he's ALREADY HERE?" Scream whispered to the bed. 'His back is turned. HURRY! He's turning around! Flee now-' It stopped talking when Vincent was facing you.

You looked up from the bed. You were scared, you were hearing voices. Vincent noticed and asked if you were okay. "Hm? Yeah, I'm good. What do you have there?" Pointing to the thing in his hands. "My laptop. So you can listen to music and sleep." "OH! Thanks." You turned it on, went to YouTube, searched for Lullaby For A Princess Animation! You found it and played it and laid on the bed. 'Be careful _____, please,' it whispered to you before you hit play. You hit the 'Skip Ad' button. It was beautiful and you slowly drifted into sleep.

"Hm? What?" You woke up with a low groan and yawned! Looking around the room. You couldn't see anything! You growled to yourself in annoyance. Then all of a sudden!

"HAPPY TWENTY THIRD BIRTHDAY _________!" There were like a thousand voices in the room. The lights flashed on and nearly blinded you (A/N: Bruh). You were at the local party house that everyone went to when the residents decided to go wild! You stared at Vincent, who was standing to your right and Angela to your left.

"I told everyone about your birthday! So now you won't be lonely when you celebrate!" Angela said hugging you. You were so happy that she remembered but you didn't want to share your birthday with a bunch of people who didn't care. You accepted it though, I mean, seriously who would turn a big birthday bash, especially if it's thrown just for you!

"Uh... Thanks, I guess..." "No problem! Alright! Shots!" Angela screamed to the crowd. 'UGH! This is going to be a terrible day, isn't it?'

---Time skip bought to you by an annoyed you and drunk Angela---

"Well, it could be worse..." You said to yourself as Angela threw back thirty shots... and counting. "Well, how are you liking your birthday party bash?" Vincent asked with a smile. "I think it was just another reason for a bunch a college students to get drunk!" You huffed in defiance, it's not like you were having a good time! You weren't a drinker... or a smoker.

"Well, maybe I can make it better," Vincent was teasing. That little bastard, or rather tall bastard. He kissed you gently on the lips causing you to blush. You pulled away, "Well that escalated. What the actual fuck do you think your doing? We barely know each other, fuckass." Vincent wasn't drunk or anything, he just wanted to kiss you. "Oh, just kissing the birthday girl. Something special." The response was so nonchalant and calm. 'You stupid, prick.' Was the only thing that came to mind. Then, 'OMG! I HAVE A DAY OFF TOMORROW! YAY! THE MANAGERS ARE REALLY NICE TO DO THAT FOR ME--' "Hey! What are you thinking about~❤?" Vincent interrupted your thoughts! "Ugh! How I'm going to kick your ass! Now leave me alone!" You wanted to listen to music. It calmed you down, A WHOLE LOT! (A/N: LOL You must always be cranky then, huh? I'm so sorry for that!)

Vincent gave you another kiss, but this one was deeper and more passionate! 'Whoa, whoa, whoa! What. The actual. Fuck is going on here?' You thought to yourself, but you were kissing back. It'd be a shame to let such passion go to waste, right? (A/N: Wrong.)

As you  two shared a passionate kiss a girl comes over, snatches him away and kisses him! IN YOUR FACE?! Oh HELL NO! You got up, shoved her back, kicked her knees and tied her to one of the girls that were just standing there... watching... like a creeper or something. You took Vincent to the front. "Thanks for stealing my first kiss. Jerk!" "You're welcome Darlin'. And nice fighting." "I was not fighting, I was defending myself. I did not put my hands on her." "No but you put your feet on her." "Agh! Who cares?! No one's hurt, that's all that matters!" "Wrong again. That girl's pride was hurt." "Psh! Fuck her ego!" you turned towards the door, "Later, Vincent, I'll see you tomorrow!"



Springtrap: Shut up will ya?

Author: >3> NO! Make ME!

Springtrap: Ugh!

Author: Jya Ma! *Later! 😜)

Nnngg~ I'm weird, Sorry no gomenasai!

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