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Yeah, hi guys!

I ended this story already.

Yet... It seems like you guys want more.

It's literally been... What... Two or three years since I finished this? Hahaha!

Someone was concerned with the lack of lemons. I wasn't really sure of how to go about making lemons back then, however I'm much better (I think) at it now! So I could give that a try!


Alright, so hear me out, I'm going to kind of update the book. I don't know if I should keep the new chapters in this book or bring it to another book, but... Let me know what y'all want for the updates. Hahaha!

This is actually interesting! I didn't think anyone would still read this book! It's nice actually! Anyway, let me know how y'all want me to continue this.

I honestly love you guys!

Edit: No, no. I'll just make a sequel since that's all I can do at this point... I'll keep you guys posted! 😸😸😸

Second edit: Actually, I'm not going to make the sequel. I have no interest in it, at least not now.

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