Happy Birthday! Enjoy It If You Can

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"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!!! Why does life have to be so frustrating!!!" You yelled at the window! It's 12:05am. You instantly regretted screaming because when you looked at the cameras, Springtrap was getting closer.

You picked up the work tablet and blasted the audio in a further away room. He followed, of course. "Phew... Okay. You can do this _______, you have got to last for your birthday! God! If I were to die today... I won't. I'll never die, I can only God Tier after that, haha!" You whispered to yourself in confidence. (A/N: A God Tier - A series of highest levels of power available to players of Sburb, giving said player God-like powers, obvious in the name, I guess. Sburb is a game that ends the world and it is the whole essence of Homestuck. Homestuck is an awesome web comic by Andrew Hussie!)

This is what Angela means that you need to grow up! But you don't care! You smiled as you rebooted power, fixed ventilation, played the audio, closed off the vents and stared at the camera. Of course, during all this, you had some hallucinations here and there. But over all, you're living and surviving!

It was soon 05:00am. It was a long night! You played your music, listening with your ear buds. And all of a sudden, Springtrap appeared in front of the window, on the other side. The song that was currently playing was Wires by The Neighborhood. You were about to squeak and then he said something.

"Hello, (F/L/N). How've you been?" Your eyes widened. You were about to just throw the work tablet at this bastard! Break the glass and shove it down his throat! "Shut up! That's not my name!" "No, but it's the first letter of your name, isn't it , _______?"

Whoa, what the snicker doodle? How the hell does he-- "I looked on your time card, little pretty kitty." "Don't call me that!" "I can stare at you all day. Can you?" "Ugh! Are you freaking kidding ME!?" Springtrap winced at your sudden out burst. "What are you scared, you dirty bunny?" "Hey, I'm a wild hare, if anything." "Whatever... Go away, I don't want to look at you, right now." "But isn't it your birthday today?" "No, it's my dead hamster's birthday! Of course, it's my birthday. So, I don't need your stupid smile to ruin it!" Why he knew? Because you said it earlier, remember?

"Well, I want to make your day special, There's a cute suit in the back just for you. Want to try it on?" "Gack! Leave me alone!" "Hmph. So ungrateful. What are you listening to?" "The sound of you crying out for help," you mumbled. Good thing he didn't here you. "What? I didn't catch that, _____. What are you listening to???" You sighed in relief, "I'm listening to Afraid by The Neighborhood. Why?" "I want to listen." (A/N: INCOMING SWEARING! IN 3, 2, 1!) "You're too mean! I don't like you, fuck you any way! Haha! I didn't mean it towards you, its just part of the chorus! What do you want to listen for Spring-gee?" "Don't call me that. Let me listen... or... I can just kill you right now, if you'd like." "I... hate... you... FINE!" You pulled the song back to the beginning and played it.

Springtrap was enjoying the song, but he looked, kind of....... sad. "(:?)-Hm? Are you okay? You look sad, even though you're smiling. I get the sense that you're sad. Why are you sad?" "I'm fine. Idiot, I'm an animatronic, I have no real emotions." "BAKA! You have emotions, even if you're a walking, talking, animatronic. I believe you have emotions!" "Baka? And no I don't." He said it calmly enough but you heard the irritation in his voice. You decided to mimic him "'Baka? And no I don't.' Oh and baka means idiot! You really need some classes... (:?)" "Ugh. What are you five?" "'Ugh. What are you five?'" "Stop." "'Stop.'" "I'm going to kill you now." "'I'm going to kill you now.' Come and get me! I'm not just going to sit here and let you catch me!" "You're annoying!" "Ha! You FEEL annoyed. You have feelings, which means to have emotions!" You gave a satisfied sigh, "I rest my case."

"You suck." "No I don't. I'm just a really good legislator, like Terezi Pyrope or like Neophyte Redglare! With the awesomeness of Vriska Serket or Marquise Spinneret Mindfang and the cleverness of Aranea Serket!" You screamed. (A/N: You are such a Homestuck fan!) "Who? What?" "You poor dirty, baby, bunny-- I mean poor, baby, hare. You need some education on life!" You cooed. Springtrap was just staring at you like you're a weirdo. You could be considered one I guess. "Jesus." "What about Jesus? Are you possessed by a dead child, perhaps?" "Ew. No." "Then the hallucinations must be the dead children! And the killer?! Are you the killer?" You went form happy and peppy to dark and serious. You just needed to find out what was going on in this place. As it so happens, SAIL came on and made the mood really weird.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about." "Yes! YES! YES YOU DO! Don't give me stupid excuses!" You were so emotional and the song was not making it any better. Depression mixed with a sad song. And then put all of that into one person to redirect it on to another thing. It's going to go down (A/N: For real! LUL) "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

You were so convinced... You knew you were right. Springtrap was the killer, but... he won't confess.

It's 05:25am.

"You know what you did, Springtrap! Tell the truth! If you don't you're going to rot even more. Ripping yourself apart, being destroyed form the inside out... Kind of like a Prince.... But a Prince of what, though? Anyway, if you just say it, you'll feel better." You had trailed off a bit but back on track.

Springtrap sighed in annoyance "Fine if you must know I killed the kids, left them there to rot, found out they were stuffed into suits, got irritated and destroyed the suits and let their souls lose to haunt whoever works here, i.e. that means you." "They're actually really nice. They warn me about you. Oh and..." As you spoke you got up, walked out the office and lifted up Springtrap's head. What you found, didn't phase you too much. You walked back into your office. "Well, now, you have a body in that suit. No wonder they couldn't find the killer, either that or they left you in there because they didn't care."

Springtrap looked startled. You, (F/N) (L/N), the cry baby, look at his face and played it off like it was nothing. As if you saw it every day or something. "Wow," was all he could say. "I've had worse dreams, so it's no biggie! I'm going to watch YouTube now. DaveKat is life!" (A/N: DaveKat is one of my favorite ships form Homestuck and if you don't know, now you know.) "Huh?" "DaveKat, it's a Homestuck ship that I love!" "Oh, okay, then." It was really awkward but since you weren't looking he could get you. And--

"Oh, well, would you look at that. It's time for me to go! See you later, Spring-gee!" You waved at him and took off! You were so happy! You solved the case! A perfect ending or beginning to a perfect birthday.

--Time skip to your dorm brought to you by the image of you watching YouTube and Springtrap standing behind you looking confused--

As soon as you got in. You went you ate breakfast and started any unfinished homework then went to your college classes!


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