What Kind of Life You Live Now

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(A/N: Ugh! It's Been So Long since the last I've written something! How is everyone doing? Well, without further adieu, here's the story! Some inappropriate language that everyone uses.)

'It's almost time for work!' You thought. "Ugh!!! Last night was terrible! Worst. Birthday. Ever! Ugh! I have a headache... All those party people, acting like they were in a cluuub!!!" (A/N: LUL Let me introduce you to my party people, in the cluuub! I'm sorry! LUL)

~~~Flashback because you left the party early!~~~

You were walking outside, since was your day off. Tonight was beautiful... and that kiss...

'Icky! Grooooooooss! I just let him kiss me! Boo! Boo, ________,' You thought to yourself. You've been walking for two hours, you left the party at six thirty-nine pm. So it's eight forty, now. You look around and see absolutely no one out here. Oh, well, they're either sleeping (most likely not) or at the party that was 'supposedly' thrown for you(most definitely!). 'Well, then...' "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE THE FUN EVERYONE IS HAVING AT MY PARTY WITHOUT ME!" You hadn't mean to yell, but you did... Meh.

"Hey, keep it down! You want to wake the whole campus?" It was Vincent.  You knocked him straight on his ass, using your Kung Fu moves you saw in Kim Possible! (A/N: One of the best damn shows ever!) "Don't touch me, you ASS!" "Jesus Christ," he groaned as he got up off the concrete ground. "What's your problem? You could've killed me, you know!!!" "Psssh! I'm sorry you almost died, but I'm not sorry that I dropped you right on your ass!" "What's wrong, _______?" "Tch! You are what's wrong! Why did you kiss me???" He just stands there... No answers, eh? Oh, well!

"That's what I thought." You say coldly. You walk off and head home to look for you tablet charger. You were so pissed! You'd kill him if wasn't so... unsettling... Like... You know him pretty well or something.

--- Time skip from a picture of you laying in bed---

You found the charger! Now you are sitting in bed listening to your music... You are still upset over the unexpected kiss. You let out a low growl.

~~~Flash back over~~~

Oh... wait you don't have work tonight... or tomorrow!!! Yay! You can just sit here! You wondered if Springtrap was lonely... Poor bunny. You should just sneak into your work site! Not like anyone is going to watch those cameras or work there all in all.

So it's 12:20am right now you just snuck into your work site. (A/N: Wow...) "Hey! Spring-spring! Where are you???" You looked around the place. Nothing.... You went to check the office and then you heard a scream. You rushed over to the office! You found Springtrap and another security guard! 'Is Springtrap going to kill the guy?!?!' You thought!

"What the hell!? Leave him alone!" Springtrap turned around...

 He just zoomed out of the room! "DaFaqu? Hey are you okay?" You asked the guy. "Uh... Yeah! Thanks for saving me just then." "No problem... I can stay here and chill with you of you'd want! I could be YOUR security guard!" You giggle aloud. The guard blushed a little bit. "Yeah, I'd like that. Thanks!"

Well, in the end, you ended up working... BOOOOOOOO! It was 5:30am and you decided to share your music with the mortified midnight security guard. "Hey!" He yelped you had shoved one of the ear buds into his ear, not roughly though. "Want to listen to music with me?" You ask all casual like, as if you weren't in a tiny room were a killer animatronic could enter, kill you, and probably still have time to have dinner before the sun came up! (A/N: LUL Wow!)

You turned on your tablet and played the instrumental of Evelyn, Evelyn. "Oh, hey! I love this song!" The security guard shouted! "Shhhhhhhhhh!!! What do want the boogey-bunny to come and get us?" You shout whispered. "Wait. What- Oh... I see what you did there." You both shared a quite laugh.

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