Why A Party?

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While at this stupid party you felt someone watching you. You looked and saw a guy with dirty blond, looks like gold, hair and an uneasy smile. You turned away and sat in a seat. You looked around for Angela and she was flirting with a few guys. Meh. You were listening to your tablet when someone tapped your shoulder.

You looked up it was that guy with the hair and the smile. "You new around here? Never seen you before." "No. I just don't attend parties! Was this your seat? Do you want me to move?" "Nah, you can stay there. I'm Vincent. So, you don't like parties?" 'Ugh! Is he trying to make things even more awkward? Ahh! He's smiling at me!' "Um...? Do you want to-" You were cut off by a drinking slashing down on your head!

You looked up to see a pretty girl, holding her cup upside down, proving she threw her alcoholic drink on you. "The L?!" "Stay away from Vincent bitch! He's mine!" The last part was whispered in your ear.

You rolled your eyes and got up. You glared at Vincent and headed for the opposite side of the large room. "I really can't stand these girls! They are such nuisances, thinking every attractive guy they see are theirs because they themselves are gorgeous. Ugh! Seriously. Hitobito to no mondai wa nani desu ka?*" You sighed. This is why you were never a college-party-type of girl. You were in the category called 'Too Unique To Be Named!'

You stayed back here for not even thirty minutes when Vincent came back there with you. "Hey are you alright?" "Oh. My GOD! Go away! I don't want... however that was to come near me! I just want to listen to my music!" "... I can sit back here with you and make sure she doesn't hurt you. Oh and her name is Malerie." "... Fine..." You didn't want to get into a fight with this guy, all those cuts and scars on him. "You must get into a lot of fights, huh, Vincent?" He seemed caught off guard. "Hm?" Wait was he staring at you???

"Yeah, when I was younger! And-" "And even now? Wow," you interrupted. He growled at you.

"You yourself seem to be a troublemaker. I bet you get into a lot of shit." Vincent said with an uneasy grin on his face. It was almost a smug look. "No I never get into trouble because I never leave my comfort zone." The look on his face was priceless. Besides why tell a stranger about yourself? That's a bad idea. "So you were Mommy's little angle when you were younger?" "Listen, Vincent, I'm tuning you out now."

You put your headphones and began to play Headphones by Britt Nicole! You love this song! (A/N: Okay you love A LOT of songs and you carry your tablet EVERYWHERE! You're not weird!) Vincent unplugged your headphones and listened with you. You punched him in the arm. Hard.

This only earned you a growl. And you were getting sick of being pestered and decided to get up and walk out, but Vincent grabbed you and pulled you into his lap and snuggled you close. "WHOA! THE ELL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Your reaction wasn't like anything you see in the movies and anime and fan fictions, were the girl blushes and just lets it happen. You hit him in the face and--Hey! He had your tablet!

"Listen, Vincent I don't know who you think you are but you can't take MY stuff and think I'm going to sit here and let it happen! Now give. It. BACK!" You jumped on him! He just flip you over his shoulder and sat right on your stomach while listening to Undead by Hollywood Undead. You were slowly losing oxygen as he sat atop of you. "Vincent... Let up... Onegaishimasu... I mean... PLEASE! I... Can't... Breathe... BASTARD," you let out between heavy breathing. He grinned wickedly and said "Say my name, Sugar Bite." You couldn't believe this. You going to  drift right into death if you didn't say his name? "C'mon let up... V-V-Vin-Vindictive Butt wipe." You growled.

Vincent couldn't believe you were teasing even though you were going to die. He was impressed but didn't get up off you... He just smirked and continued to listen to the music.

"rrrrraaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! GET YOUR FAT BUTT OFF ME YOU JERK!" You yelled out. But he stared at you with cold, relentless, almost lifeless, eyes.

"Fine... Vin...cent." You breathed out. "Again." "NO!" "... I guess you're fine with dying in a place were no one will find you... heh." "V-Vincent... Vincent... you spineless asshole... Vincent!" "Tsk. Tsk. How can make such poor decisions in a situation like this? You kno-" You flipped him over, grabbed your tablet and sat on his stomach. (A/N: Because... stalling!) You were bouncing a little bit, to make him lose breath quicker. He was blushing, but, of course you expected this. You began to sing apart of Rain by Hollywood Undead.

"You know that some of us grow old, with no homes. Some of us die in a house, with no hope. Still surrounded by the people you don't know, so don't go. 'Cause once it's over time fades your photo. How many goodbyes could fit in a lifetime? How many good lies can make it seem alright? What do you see when you look into my eyes? Or in the sky right before you say good night?" You stopped and saw Vincent quietly waiting for you to continue your little melody. "What? What is it? Are you staring at me to finish or to get off of you?" A small breath was taken, "Both," was all he said. "I don't mind, no I don't mind, I don't mind the rain. The simple things and subtleties, they always stay the same. I don't mind, that I don't mind, no I don't mind the rain. Like a widow's heart, we fall apart, but never fade way." You got off of him afterwards, its not like you were heavy or anything, compared to him anyways.

"Can I leave now, Vincent?" "Not until you tell me your name~" "I will kill you... It's not your business!" "Fine then give me a nickname." You scoffed, "No way. How about the fist letter of my name! You can call me (insert the first letter of your name here). Okay? I have to go now or else my friend is going to come look for me in a drunken state."  "Fine. Goodbye _." "Never say goodbye Vince! It's only later! See you around someone day!"

You found Angela making out with some cool looking guy. "Yo, Angela! I'm heading to work, it's 10:30pm! I have to go after I change into my uniform!" You yelled to her through the crowded area and walked into the bathroom.

You walked in the bathroom and changed your clothes in the stall. You walked right into Vincent. "Jesus Christ! You almost gave me a heart attack!" "Just wanted to say, 'I'll see you sooner than later.' And are you okay? You face is red _. Are you blushing?" Smug little, well really tall, bastard. "Grrr... Get out of my way Vincent! I have a job and a new friend to meet!" "Heh. After this." Vincent trapped you putting both hands on each side of your head. 'Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Seriously?! Wait... He would go so far to do this? He wouldn't do this if he didn't want you, right? Nah... Let's mess with him instead.' You moved close to him so that your bodies were pressed together and you stayed there for a few moments. Then let yourself slide under his arm and ran to the exit. "Better luck next time, Vincent!" You said, teasing actually. You ran out the house party and headed to work.

"Today. It was pretty good but... I was forced into a party and... Well you met someone, but he's a pervert and is unsettling. Whatever. It's fine ________. Pulling that little stunt back in the bathroom isn't anything bad or could make get the wrong idea, right? No, _______ you probably went too far and now he thinks you're into him. Great, just perfect!" You were yelling at yourself... Oh boy.

--- Time skip to work brought to you by You running there with an annoyed expression---

You sat in the office. It was 11:58pm. It was time to start playing the game of life. You laughed at the reference you made to the song. But all joking aside, you may or may not live to see your birthday...

A/N: *What is the matter with people? A/N: Shit... Well, there you go another chapter! Yay! I hope enjoyed it! I know I did! Later!

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