We're Burning This Place Down. Tonight!

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"I'm going to make you mine!" Springtrap whispered into your ear. You felt blood run straight to your head and felt light headed. Then Springtrap threw you up and over his shoulder, maniacally laughing which turned into him manically laughing!

You struggled to get out of his grip but failed. Of course, since you didn't really want him to take anything precious from you! (A/N: Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Eyebrow wiggle. LUL) You were being taken to the back room that didn't have the cameras in it. Awe shiest! Not now! It's like 5:20am! I refuse to let anything happen to me in that room! You thought bitterly. You kicked him in the stomach which had no real effect, since he was a human animatronic at the moment.  You lifted your upper body and turned it slightly so you could see the back of his head (A/N: If you're not that flexible, just roll with it please, but you may complain in the comments about how much it would hurt if you tried, kay?) You hit him in the back of the head with your fist and again with your elbow. He stumbled and dropped you. As soon as you touched the floor you ran for the exits which had been locked, you figured that this was Springtrap's doing. So you ran for one of the rooms.

You made it to the room where Chica's phantom usually appears. You looked for something to possibly beat Springtrap with, to no avail. You growled quietly in frustration. You just wanted to leave! "Oh, _______, where are you?" You heard Springtrap call to you, insanity, or murderous tension, in his voice. You held your breath and hid further into the room so he wouldn't see you. Your foot hit something and you prayed to God Springtrap didn't hear it. When it didn't seem like he heard it, the damn thing fell, causing a nice thud to echo throughout the building. "_____, seems I found you, stupid girl." You jumped when he said your name. "Jesus!" You screamed as you ran in between his legs and to another room, you ended up in the Foxy room. (A/N: Yep... The Foxy Room... smh at myself. LUL!) You were about to look for another room to hide in when Phantom Mangle just appeared out of no where. You held back a scream by violently biting your lip, drawing blood (because why not?) "Move damn it! I need to get out of here before Springtrap finds me!" You barely whispered to her. She seemed sad and was about to make a sound so you did the only thing that you thought of. You kicked her down, at least tried to, which caused your leg to get caught in the  Jaws! (A/N: That movie though!) You bit your lip again to hold in a scream.

You ran out of the room loudly screaming "I'm sorry my Mighty Mangled Baby!" Which you were thankful he didn't hear since he was... No where to be seen? Oi, he must be in the office! That asshole! Mentally screamed as you gunned for the air vents and all of a sudden, you heard them close. You couldn't breathe here. You almost passed out but hit your head on the mental beneath you which got you back to your senses. Scurrying as fast as you could, you went to the attraction exit. "Oh. My. God! You son of a beach! I'll end you!" You screeched toward the camera, since you knew he was watching you. A chill went up your spine at the thought, "Creep..." You zoomed into the hall, ran into a wall, shoot into another hall, bolted towards the room, crawled quickly through the short vent and in front of the office window. "Well, well, well. Look... At. You _______~" Springtrap purred, "You found me. Now, what?" The last part was spoken with impatience. "I'm going to do what I said I would!" You spat. You ran into the room, grabbed your bag and zoomed out and followed the root you used to get there.

"_______ what are you doing? You know I can see you right?" He sighed at your stupid move. "You poor girl, you really think you can survive?"

Mean while, you had hid yourself away from the camera's view. You took out a gallon of gasoline, "I'm sorry Springtrap... but you need to burn." You whispered violently. As you went through each room, you poured gasoline all over things, still managing to stay just out of the camera's view. In each room, you apologized, and bud your fare-wells, the phantoms were really sweet, like little kids that... "You guys are the victims of the killer! A-are you guys the dead kids that is chained to this place?" Aye lass, we be those children. Foxy said with sadness in his voice. They all looked so sad so you gave them all a big group hug, well, the best group hug phantoms can get from a living being. Then there was the puppet thing in the corner over there. "Well!? C'mon, you're part of this hug too!" He floated forward and joined the hug.

Am I Alone? (Human!SpringTrap x Reader) || COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now