Close to The Last Night

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"WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN ATTRACTIVE?!" You yelled for people within a ten block radius could hear your anger! "Owwww! Stop it!!!" Vincent cried for mercy, since it hurt like hell, plus the purple nurple that was currently taking place.

"Oi! Let go of me!!!" He screamed and you let him go. You ran off, clearly irritated and freaked out by the fact that this... dear you say it... cute guy... that is your daily issues, is also your midnight crisis! "Ugh! Stupid butt head!" "It's not my fault... I just want to live a normal life while being able to kill others. Heh, heh." He chuckled. "I'll get my revenge on you, you awful, terrible, horrifying horror attraction." You growled in a low voice but Vincent did hear you, none the less. "Ha! I'm sure you will." Vincent said mockingly. What a butt head.

~~~Time skip brought to you by a picture of you kicking Vincent out of your dorm~~~

"Nothing to do... I have my notes from my murder research... And I have the murderer's thoughts..." You sighed, being you is really hard work. You look over your notes and journals.

Hm... Maybe I can go to Vincent's dorm and talk to his bed... Well, that was weird, but it's not like anyone can read my thoughts or anything like that. You thought with a sly smile.

You headed to Vincent's dorm.

You get there and just barge in there like you own the place! "Ohayou! Vincent-chan! Ogenki desu ka?! Urusai!" You laughed as you walked into his room. He was definitely startled by your abrupt appearance, then again, startled was an understatement. He jumped out of his chair, hit the ceiling, and landed right on his bed! "What the hell!" He screamed as he came at you at full Springtrap speed. You moved to the side and stuck your foot out, he tripped right on to his face. "Haha! Anata wa nani demo yarou to shita nodesu ka? Baka!" You said sticking your tongue out at him. "Ugh..." He got off of his face, "Just speak the damn language you were born to; ENGLISH! Speak some fucking English!" He screeched. You sighed "I only came here to lay on your bed." "Why the hell-" "Because I can!" You interrupted him. With a high jump, you flopped down on his bed and put your ear to it. Hello there... Why are you back? "I want to know the guy's deepest regrets." You said a casual-like as if that wasn't a bad thing. (Shaking My Locks of Hair) Killing us... I mean the children... You stood up, you got your case, and apparently one his dark deeps came back to haunt him.

You look at Vincent and was staring at you. "What?! Were you staring at me the whole time!? YOU CREEP!" He chuckled. "I hate you and your dumb chuckles! Creeper..." You huffed under breathe, though he did hear you.

"Awww, look at you all laid up in my bed..." another deep, sexy, chuckle. "The way it should be." He smirked at you. "Oh, hell no! If you touch I will break both of those arms and then your toes... Niiiiiiiiiice and slooooooooooooooow. Back off ketsuyou!" "Whoopi," he said sarcastically, "More Japanese." You snickered, "It means ass." He tried to fight a smile, but it was no use. He was tried to hold it in but he couldn't, "Oh my God! You're so hilarious!" He had burst out into a fit of laughter. You smiled as he laughed, it was the first time you'd ever heard him laugh but then you froze with that smile on your face. His fit of laughter, turned manic and as you watched him, he feel to his knees. He was clutching his sides and coughing up blood, still laughing like a maniac. You just sat on the bed huddled up into a corner tears threatened their revolt from your eyes. He was stilling laughing and tears were just streaming down his face. The freaky scene was tugging at your heart, he was (somewhat of) a good friend to you. But you couldn't move your feet, you just sat there, with tears raining down your own face, not to mention some snot and saliva. "V-Vince... You o-okay? You're bleeding and crying and laughing, all at the same time." You said, your voice shaky. He looked up through the tears and blood in his eyes, trying to speak, but fell unconscious.

A/N: Welp, awkward and sad moment going on here so I'm going to save my self the agony of actually typing what I'm really thinking and saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ SKIP!

You walked about the campus and looked at your watch: 11:11pm! Damn! You've got to go to work!

(A/N: Hey! GOMENASAI!! THERE HAS BEEN A LOT GOING ON IN SCHOOL AND STUFF! You know, high school problems and such! Arigatou for being patient with me! It's been like two months, but that's not bad, at least I didn't put it off for a whole year, so a plus for me! Welp later! Buh-bye now! ;3

Oh and translations

Ohayou! Vincent-chan! Ogenki desu ka?! Urusai! = Hello! Vincent! How are you?! You are annoying!

Anata wa nani demo yarou to shita nodesu ka? Baka! = What were you even trying to do? Idiot!)

Hope you enjoyed it... I'm sorry for the depressingly late update!

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