Darryl's Dark Rage 2

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Darryl stormed into the sex shop on Ninth street. It was a large store on the seventh floor of an old shopping building. He didnt have a hard time finding it. The address had been in the back of the dvd case. As he angrily walked to the counter, he had a look around. There was pornographic materials everywhere. He hated this garbage. Darryls foster mom had taught him women should be treated like individual treasures. Porn just treated them like they were less than trash. He reached the counter and slammed the bell hard enough to dent it in. A man came from the back room. He was wearing a headband. Despite this, Darryl recognized him. He stared the man down. "Bitch! aka Inu onna!" The man froze. "What do you want!?" Darryl looked over to see more copies of Ami's dvd. "I thought I told you to leave my partner alone!" He was furious. The man backed up against the wall. "I have every right to distribute those! Her father signed the contract!" Darryl jumped the counter and grabbed the man by the neck. "You have bit the nail this time!" The man screamed. "What are you going to do!?" Darryl smiled. "Can you fly!?" The man screamed again as Darryl pulled him around the counter. Darryl looked at the large window at the far side of the store and just laughed. The man started sweating. "Your BAKA! BAKA!" Darryl started laughing as he forced the man to run with him towards the window. The man cried out. "We are seven stories up!" The man was freaking out. This damn kid was going to throw him out the window! And for what? Selling some porn? Lots of girls made porn no big deal right? RIGHT? Then he realized Darryl wasnt just going to throw him out the window. Nope. They were both going through it! The glass shattered as both men flew out the window. As they fell, Darryl managed to get above the man and place the mans skull under his foot. The man was forced to watch as his face approached the street. Splat!! The mans skull collapsed under Darrly's boot. Brains and blood splattered across the pavement. Then a large group of Yakuza ran out of the building carring all sorts of weapons. Darryl laughed. This sorry up start Yakuza. Darryl took off his jacket and shirt to reveal a massive back tattoo. Cerberus. The three headed hound of hell. Not just a scary tattoo, but his bloodlines family seal. On his left forearm was a new tattoo he had recieved from his new friends of the Onigawa group. A large oni standing in a blue river. On his right was a tattoo only those who had over a hundred kills and were trained assassins. The Ace of Spades. The only other two he knew of were Kaiya and Lazareth. The yakuza members froze at the sight of Darryls tattoos. The Ace of Spades members never left targets alive. Just a spade playing card in their mouths. Darryl then started to change into his Demon side.

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