Darryl's Dark Rage 3

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Ami arrived on Ninth street to find civilians running for her lives. She quickly grabbed a woman as she rushed by. "Whats going on?" The woman was terrified. "There's a warewolf! Its eating the men!" Ami let her go and rushed up the street. She didnt find a warewolf. This was far worse. Standing on a tourbus and feasting on the corpse of a yakuza member, was a creature with a pitbulls face, a goats horns, and covered in blood red hair. She swallowed hard. She had never seen one, but she was sure of what it was. A hellhound. Then the creature let out a roar like a lion. That confirmed it. This was a real life hell hound. She looked around to see multiple corpses of the small yakuza. Then she noticed members of the Onigawa group watching as the pornshop burned. Ami looked closer. The shop was on fire, but none of the surrounding stores were so much as scorched! She ran up to a Onigawa member she recognized. Red was an oni like Ami. Unlike Ami, he was a river oni. And a pureblood. He stood their in a suit with his arms crossed. Watching as Darryl found another living yakuza member, tore ouf his heart and ate it. Ami grabbed Reds arm. "You have to stop him!" Red looked down at her. "Why. Hes enjoying himself. Besides. He's finishing off the last of my headaches." Ami turned back to watch Darryl. As soon as he had ripped the guts out off the last member, he slowly changed back and walked over to Ami. She looked at him. He was covered in blood. Then he snapped his fingers at the buildind. To Ami's suprise, the flames just stopped. Ami ran over to Darryl. "What did you do!?" Darryl smiled at her. "They hurt you. So I hurt them. And I destroyed all the videos of you I could find." Ami smiled a little. "Why did you do this?" Darryl looked at her seriously. " Because your my partner. And nobody screws around with my partner." Ami started crying. "We are still partners? Even though Im a whore?" Darryl grabbed her by the shoulders tight. "You are not a whore! Never call yourself that!" Ami cried into his shoulder. "But they forced me to make those dirty videos!" Darryl held her close. " Thats exactly why your not a whore. You were forced." Ami smiled up at him. "You really believe that?" Darryl smiled at her. " I know that. Hey! I got you a present!" Amy grinned. " What?" Darryl held up the skin from Uni onnas skull. "We cant mount it in a frame." Ami gave an evil grin. We should mount all our enemies faces in a frame." With that they began to walk off. As they did a last member rushed them. Darryl hadn't checked under the bus! The man rushed Ami with a large knife. "You damned bitch!!!" Darryl didnt have time to react. As soon as the man was on Ami, she back kicked the man straight up into the jaw. They all watched as the mans body rose up off the ground. There was a snapping sound as his body went limp. Then he collapsed to the ground dead. "Darryl was amazed. "Where did you learn taekwondo!?" Ami smiled weakly. "My dad is Japanese..but my mother was Korean." With that she put her hands behind her back and skipped away. Red put his hand on Darryl's shoulder. " That girl is a mystery wrapped in an enigma!" They both agreed.

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