Salem 4

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Victoria ran towards the subway entrance clutching a broadsword. As she ran through the streets, she dispatched one demon after another. How did They get Here? Someone had definitely opened one if the gates. As she reached the terminal she skidded to a stop. Standing on top of an old bus fighting two higher class demons was her former lover. The Black Fox. But He was suppose to be dead! She quickly got in her phone and called her assistant. "Song! Get down to my position and bring that Big toy of yours!" She Then hung up. As Victoria looked up, the Black Fox landed beside her. "Hello gorgeous. Remember me?" Victoria saw the red bandages and teared up. "Salem! You've been Ivan this whole time?" The Black Fox laughed. "Yes. Ol' Richard has been hiding in plain sight. But for now let's kill some demons!"

Salem and Victoria fought the demons the best they could but they we're far outnumbered. Victoria looked around nervously. Were was song with her new toy? Then came a defending blast as the earth quaked. An explosion nearby sent demons flying through the air as machine gun blast dispatched them mid flight. Kaiya spun around to see a large walking tank. "What the he'll is that!?" Song popped out through the hatch. "It's my new toy! Miss Victoriathe! Ezra is making an army of monsters in the mansion. But it will be awhile." Victoria fought of a few more demons. She was getting tired. She called out to Song. "Where's Darryl and Lazareth!?" Song fired a few shots from a rifle she was holding. "Darryl and Am I are defending the acadamy. Lazareth..I'm sorry Miss Victoria." Victoria froze. "Song what is it? She was to stunned to notice the demons behind her. There was a swoosh as Salem's glaive cut them down. "Watch yourself love!" Victoria shouted to Song. "What happened to Lazareth!" Song entered her tank and called through a speaker system as demons engulfed the tank. "He was killed I'm battle ma'am." Victoria stared at the ground as her hair became silver and her eyes burned. "And what of Sayumi?" Song called back. "She freaked out. She killed the remaining demons and headed to the academy!" Victoria screamed as she let out every vampire power within her. "Where the hell is Lucifer! He's suppose to keep these things in order!" A wave of blood red fire engulfed the area. The demons we're wiped out. Then another wave of them attacked surrounding her and Salem. Salem's swung his glaive furiously as they attacked. Victoria fell to her knees. She was now to week to battle. Salem did all he could to protect her. But it was to no avail. Even Song's tank was no match. Several demons thrust spines through through him and Victoria. Salem fell beside her as they collapsed into each others arms. As they died, Salem looked into Victoria's eyes.Salem "I love you." Victoria looked back. "I love you too." Then they kissed for the first and last time in centuries. Then they collapsed dead in each others arms. Suddenly a great light came from the north as the demons shriveled up and died. The light engulfed everything. As it faded away, Song climbed out if her tank. The sight was amazing. Everything was back cleaned. The bodies we're gone. And the damage was repaired. Lilith appeared as Darryl, Am I, and Sayumi came running up. Then Ezra drove up in an army truck along with Hanako. He looked at the group standing there. "I was two late." Song jumped down from the tank. "Yes. Miss Victoria and That Salem guy were killed. Lilith walked up. Hand in hand with a man who looked a lot like her. She quickly began to explain who he was. "This is my brother Lucifer." Lucifer shook his head. "I hate that name! Everybody hears my name and assumes I'm the devil from the Bible! I'm not him! I'm the keeper of darkness and light. I keep the universe in balance!" Darryl pointed at the only two bodies that had been left by the light. "What about Salem and Miss Victoria!? They're dead!" Lucifer laughed. "They'll  be alive soon enough!" As they watched, Salem's body burst into flames along with Victoria's. The group watched in awe as two naked children rose from the ashes and flames and walked out naked. Song grabbed some blankets from the tank and threw them around the two children who rubed their eyes. Ami and Sayumi each picked a child up as Ezra examined them. "Who are they?" Lucifer grinned. "They're Salem and Victoria. Salem was a cursed fox. But before that he was a pheonix blood. He used his power to save the both of them." The group looked at Lilith. Sayumi ran up to Lucifer. "What about Lazareth!?" Her eyes were filled with tears. Lucifer touched her belly. "I'm sorry young one. Lazareth is gone. But the child inside you lives. Raise the child you and Lazareth created." With that he turned away. "Ill be leaving now. I have many things to set straight." Darryl called out to him. "Hey! What do we call you? Since you hate the name Lucifer." Lucifer turned and smiled. "Call me what I really am. THE CREATOR."

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