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On the outskirts of Tennessee sat a little bar right on the Georgia border. The towns name isn't important. What is important is what happened there. It was late on a saturday night and the place was jumping with cowboys and cowgirls. The bartender was use to this atmosphere. Except tonight something was different. Earlier that night a strange couple had come in. A tall man and short Asian girl. The man looked to be in his early twenties. He was about six foot with a thin build. His hair was long and black with blue streaks. His attire was normal. Western wear. The girl was completely out of place. She looked like she was still in high school. She wore a gothic skirt and a slayer tshirt. Her hair was long and white. She had it tied up in pigtails that still reached her waiste. On her head she wore a little top hat pushed to the side. And her shoes were the worst. They were those knee high gothic boots you see city girls wearing. The couple sat at a table and ordered onion rings and beer. Nothing out of the ordinary really. At midnight the girl got up and walked to the jukebox. The bartender paid no attention until the song started playing. It was System of a Downs Ariels. A song that was not on the jukebox. She started dancing seductively as she was surrounded by a group of cowboys. The girl jumped up on the jukebox and spread her legs to reveal a stripped thong. She gave a smile that sent a chill down the bartenders spine. The girl licked her lips. "You boys looking for a good time?" The cowboys nodded yes. The girl suddenly kicked one of the men in the face. He flew backwards as his hat flew off to reveil his horns. The girl yelled out to her partner. "Lazareth it's them!" The man jumped and smiled. The bartender suddenly noticed the scar running from the right corner of his mouth to his ear. He had heard of him. The Grimiore. A child of a vampire and succubis. The bartender froze as the girl pulled a straight razor and slashed one of the demons heads right off. The Grimiore pulled two pairs of large scissors. As he ran through the group of demons he cut and sliced with the precision of a skilled surgen. Then he stood still. The four demons he had just ran past fell apart into thousands of small peices. The patrons of the bar suddenly came to their senses and rushed for the door screaming. One demon remained. He tried to run as he felt his feet come off. The girl had cut them clean through the bone. He landed on his back staring up at the girl. She kneeled down and held her razor under his chin. She giggled. "Where is Satan?" The demon shook his head. " I don't know!" Lazareth stabbed his scissors into one of the demons eye sockets. "Don't lie to us!" The demon screamed. " He's at Stone Mountian!" The girl sliced off his head and laughed. " Now was that so hard?" She looked at Lazareth. "Can I eat them? I'm hungry." Lazareth smiked as he kissed the top of her head. " Of course Sayumi. A shinigami has to eat." She grinned as she started to munch on the demon's arm. Lazareth walked over to the bartender. The man was frozen with terror as Lazareth reached into his back pocket. To his relief, Lazareth pulled out a Hello Kitty wallet and removed two hundreds and a business card. "Sorry for the mess. This is my card. If you ever have trouble call the number. The cash should cover the mess." The bartender pointed at the walket trying to cut the tension in the air. Lazareth smiled. "It was a gift from my lover who is currently feasting on your floor. Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Lazareth and she is Sayumi. No last names." The bartender nodded. Cold sweat was running down his face. " I'm Bubba." Lazareth and Sayumi smiled at him. Sayumi had blood running down her chin. Lazareth took a napkin and walked over to her and licked the blood off her chin and wiped her mouth. " Shall we go dear?" She smiled up at him. " Yes lover. Let's go find Satan!" Lazareth picked her up like a princess and headed for the door. Bubba called out to them. " Aren't you scared of Satan?" Lazareth turned and smiled. "He owes me money. He better be afraid of me." Then they left. " Bubba finally grabbed a bottle and collapsed to the floor. He took a look at the cards number. 777. That was the number. And the words Department of Occult Research and Developement. The bartender picked up the phone and made a call. A dark sounding voice answered. "What is it?" The bartender answered shakely into the phone. "Sir. It's Bubba. They were here." Satan answered back. "You didn't tell them where I was did you?" He sounded scared. Bubba rubbed his head. "One of the demons talked." Satan screamed into the phone. "Are you kidding me! That guy killed the Chutlu!" There was no answer. Sayumi sat on the bar holding Bubba's head. "How rude. I wanted our arrival to be a surprise." Lazareth called from the doorway. " Come now Sayumi. We must not keep Satan waiting." They both laughed as the disappeared into the darkness

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