Salem 3

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Salem sat on the platform breathing heavily. Nihon was suppose to be protected by a barrier. How the hell did a a low class demon get through? He had enough. He reached behind his head and slowly peeled of the plain faced mask He had been wearing. Beneath was a gorgeous face He hated. He looked too damned feminine. And his fox eyes didn't help. He grabbed his guitar case and ran to the bathroom to change. If there was one low class demon. Surely there would be others of higher levels. He quickly stripped down and changed his bandages from white to red. He Then pulled his battle gear from the case. Gear He hadn't used in a hundred years not Since his true love had last seen him. Just before He became What He was now. He quickly put on the Black dragon skin uniform. To Salem it looked like the clothes They wore in Hellraiser. He didn't care. He was around long before Clive Barker was even born. He had even served the union in the civil war as a drummer boy. Finally He pulled out the weapon that had erased So many demons. His retracted scythe. He clicked the button on the hilt and watched as it pulled itself into position. From a folded rectangle into a full scythe. He smiled. He loved hunting these things. He didn't have long to think about three old days. As soon as He was prepared the screams started. He ran as fast as He could and jumped up to the street. Missing the stairs completely. He looked around in awe. There were demons everywhere. Then his heart sank. The mother and child were ripped to pieces at his feet. Salem jumped on top of a parked bus and screamed. "OK you bastards! Who's ready for the BLACK FOX!!!"

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