03. Remembering a Goodbye

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On each side of Zach his friends phones buzzed and beeped as they received messages from the girl only a few appartments away; and each of them wore a smile when they paused in their conversation and looked down at the words appearing on their screens. Zach didn’t like that it made him feel jealous; but it did.  Allie seemed in such a hurry to reply to his friends, but it took her a good ten minutes to send three words to him. Did she find them more interesting than him?

“Oh look Zach, she sent me a winky face!” Nate giggled shoving his phone under Zach’s nose.

“Nateo, you’re gay, a winky face from her to you means nothing.”

“Oi!” Liam sounded annoyed, he hated it when any of them used labels like that. Zach could understand why.

“You know what I mean,” he mumbled, feeling a little guilty.

Nate climbed up onto Liam’s lap and kissed him quickly, “Don’t be grumpy Li, he’s just jealous,”

That was true, Zach was. He wanted Allie to talk to him, not his best mates. She was even texting Hannah and they hadn’t  met! She had only found out about Allie ten minutes ago when she walked through the door.

Finally. Zach got a reply,

I actually am tired now, so I’m going to go to sleep.

See you tomorrow, (: xx

Zach sighed.  What was it about her? Something was just so interesting, he wanted to know her, everything about her. Just talking to her for the few hours they had together had been amazing! She was so quirky and cute, but there was something a lot deeper than that. Zach wanted to know what. To unravel her and figure her out. As well as how intrigued he was by her, she was playful, and the way she made him feel physically... Just wow... he didn’t know how to read her yet, but he wanted to learn. More than that, he wanted her to want him to. Zach knew he would have to do something wonderful for Allie tomorrow night, take her on the best date of her life. Maybe she wouldn’t be into that though - she seemed more like the hopeless romantic type. He would figure it out tomorrow.

“You’ve all got homes of your own, get!” Zach shouted suddenly, making everyone jump. “I want to go to sleep.” he explained grinning at them each of them.

Nate whispered something in Liam’s ear and the two of them bolted for the door. Zach didn’t even want to know. Lucas and Hannah headed out a lot slower, waving goodbye as they went. Lucas sent Zach a cheeky smirk and Zach couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. Lucas was always winning girls over, what if he won Allie? Zach knew it was selfish, but he got there first. Zach got dibs.


There was a banging on Allie’s window, she pulled the doona up over her head and shouted at it to go away. She had been having the best dream, Allie squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold onto the feeling of meeting new people that brought back her smile. Trying not to let go of the comfort she’d felt in Zach’s arms.

“Allie!” An Italian accent shouted through her window.

Allie sat bolt up-right.

“Allie let me in!” The accent sounded again, “I’ve been banging on your door for fifteen minutes! WAKE UP!”

Allie looked down; she was still wearing Zach’s clothes. A grin spread over her face and she bounded out of bed to the window, pulling it open. “Maybe I wanted to sleep in!” Allie said to the dark blonde haired boy as she ran a hand through her own hair.

“It’s 10.30. That’s a good enough sleep in! Besides I want food!”

Allie stared down at him, puzzled, “Uhh and what am I meant to do about that?”

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