16. Drunk

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“Liam.” Nate poked Liam’s cheek.

Liam groaned and swatted Nate’s hand away, slapping his own cheek in the process. Nate giggled openly at him and Liam groaned again; his cheek tingling where he had hit it. Nate kissed the reddening area quickly, and when he pulled back Liam was smiling up at him.

“Morning.” Liam spoke in a husky, half asleep voice.

“Morning? It’s afternoon to you sleepy head! I had to make myself breakfast and everything!  And now it’s lunch time!” Nate cheered.

“Nate, do you think about anything other than food?” Liam sighed, shaking her head a little.

“Of course I do! I think about you all the time!” Nate grinned widely and Liam felt his heart flutter.

He smirked up at Nate, a pleased look settling on his face. “You’re cute, you know that?”

Nate blushed a little, but he seemed to ignore it and merely shrugged, “Yeah, yeah, get ya lazy arse out of our bed, Holt.”

Grabbing Liam’s hands, Nate tugged him out of the bed, smiling to himself as the covers fell off revealing Liam’s bare chest. Nate’s eyes lingered on his boyfriend before he pushed him back down on top of the covers, kissing him hungrily. Liam responded enthusiastically, knotting his fingers through Nate’s hair and pulling his face closer to deepen the kiss. Nate only pulled away when he’d run out of air, and both of them were breathing heavily.

“Why don’t you wake me up like that every morning, Nate?” Liam asked with a cheeky grin.

“Then you’d get bored with me,” Nate pouted, “Now get up, I’m hungry.”

Without another word he skipped from the room. Liam shook his head, as if he could ever get bored with Nate; he’s was the most perfect, beautiful, talented, unique, interesting special person he knew, and Liam was completely in love with him.

Nate smiled as Liam walked out into the kitchen, smirking further as he eyed his bare chest, the lust evident in his eyes. Liam liked that.

“Liam?” Liam smiled at him and waited expectantly, “Kiss me.” Nate demanded.

Nate stood up from his stool at the breakfast bar and leant with his back to the counter, waiting for Liam to humour him and do as he was asked. Instead, Liam laughed at him, shaking his head.

“I thought you were hungry?” Liam smiled, ever so slowly inching towards the Italian boy.

“I am,” Nate winked at him, closing the distance between them, “Just not for food.”

Liam pulled away from him, mock horror and shock on his face, “Who are you? What have you done with my boyfriend?”

Nate collapsed into giggles and fell back onto his stool. Liam smiled at the laughing boy; one of his favourite things about him was the way he found everything overly funny. His laugh echoed around the kitchen as Liam moved to the fridge.

“No!” Nate suddenly jumped up and pushed the fridge shut as Liam began opening it.

Liam looked at him quizzically, why didn’t he want to eat? Was he sick? Was something wrong? Liam began to mentally freak out at Nate’s abnormal behaviour, never having seen it before.

“I want to go out!” he cheered, Liam sighed in relief. “We can get Allie! I haven’t spent proper time with her since we got back!”

Liam gave Nate a tight smile and a little nod, “I’ll get changed.” He said, before he could realise something was wrong.

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