What do you think of the Caribbean specifically the Dominican Republic? ~ fantasylover333
D: I think it's really pretty! Even though I don't actually like the ocean that much....because of sharks. >.< I'm a scaredy cat. *laughs* But overall it seems pretty cool. Especially since The Pirates of the Caribbean is a thing. XD
But everyone says the Ka-rib-ian for the place. For the movie they say Care-ih-bee-en. Why?! Wouldn't it be the Piartes of the Ka-rib-Ian?! UGH! Sorry off topic! But yes! Dominican Republic seems cool! Thanks!
Ask D
Ngẫu nhiênHey my awesome peeps! You know me from my Ask And Dare The Big Five book if you've read it. Basically you can just ask me random stuff. If you want you can also ask Asher. So yeah, please ask me stuffs! :)