Fav food and love!

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Favorite food? (Other than tacos D) ~ pepsipop91402

D: Well, we already answered it but we can do it again. Besides tacos...pasta! Woo!

Asher: *chuckles* Same.

Umm how much do you guys really love each other? *wiggles eyebrows* ~ storiescanbereal

D: *smiles* I love Asher to the moon and back.

Asher: *grins* Well, I love you to the moon and back, and over again.

D: *sticks out tongue* One-upper.

Asher: *sticks out his tongue* Cutie.

D: Butt face.

Asher: Beautiful.

D: Jerk.

Asher: Gorgeous.

D: *huffs* Why do you not insult me back?!

Asher: Because it wouldn't be true if I did. *smiles*

D: Awwwww. *smiles* You know I didn't mean any of that, right?

Asher: *raises an eyebrow* I don't know, D. Sounded pretty real to me. *wipes fake tears*

D: *rolls eyes and smiles* It wasn't real. Stop fooling around.

Asher: *crosses his arms* I don't believe you.

D: Ugh! What do I have to do to make you believe me?!

Asher: You have to say, 'Asher is the king of awesomeness and hotness. No one is more awesome or hotter than Asher.' *smirks*

D: *sighs* Fine. Asher is the king of awesomeness and hotness. No one is more awesome or hotter than Asher. Happy?

Asher: Very. *chuckles and hugs D*

D: Thanks for the question! Bye!

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