Bigfoot! Dun! Dun! Dun!

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Do you believe in Bigfoot? O_o Well do you?! ~ laterwakerJen

D: Well yeah! He's right in front of me! XD *points to Asher*

Asher: -_- Ha. Ha. *sticks out his tongue*

D: *giggles* BigFoot's real though.

Asher: No he's not.

D: Uh huh.

Asher: Nuh uh. How come I've never seen him?

D: Because he's at Hotel Transylvania. Duh.

Asher: Oh....I forgot about that. XD

D: *whispers* Im pretty sure he's Asher's cousin that ran over his foot.

Asher: -_-

D: *giggles and kisses him on the cheek* I'm playing! *whispers* Maybe. *smiles* Thanks for the question!

Asher: *waves* Bye!

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