How old?

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How old are you and Ash, Jilly, Jynn, Healga, Hally, and Robashi??? ~ laterwaker

D: I'm 18 now. Because of the dares we got. *shivers*

Asher: *rolls eyes* Come on. *smirks* You know you enjoyed them. *puts his arm around her shoulder*

D: *pushes his arm off* Ya nasty! *sticks out tongue* Ash is 19 now.

Asher: Robin, Healga, Hally, Jilly, and Jynn are also 18.

D: And Tadashi is 19! *jazz hands*

Asher: *pouts* Why'd you do jazz hands on Tadashi?

D: Because Tadashi has more swag than you.

Asher: *pounds his fists on the table* How does he have more swag than me?!

D: ....Oh child. *sigh* Swag originally meant curtains.

Asher: *calms down* Oh....yeah. He has more curtains in his room. *pets the table* Sorry about that. *smiles nervously*

D: *laughs* Thanks for the question! Bye!

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