Inspiration! ^-^

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What inspired you to write all your books and Ash did you ever write a book on wattpad?? ~ laterwakerJen

D: inspiration was I want to be a write when I grow up, so practice! And you guys keep me going! ^-^ It makes me happy that I have people who like what I write.

Asher: As for me, I haven't written any books on Wattpad because I don't do writing. *laughs* I can't.

D: Sure you can! If you try. *smiles*

Asher: *shrugs* I'm not that good at English class either so. Meh. I mean, I have an A in it, but I actually have to try in that class. *sighs* I'm not that great at spelling either. *frowns*

D: I can help you?

Asher: *smiles* Okay. Since you can spell just about anything.

D: Not really. I make mistakes, too. ^-^ And that's okay.

Asher: Thanks the question! Bye!

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