Favorite things?

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What are your favorite things to do? ~ storiescanbereal

D: *sings* Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with string. These are a few of my favorite things.

Asher: *grins* Are you going to answer, or are you going to keep singing The Sound Of Music?

D: Sorry. I got carried away. Um...I like to do artsy stuffs, sing, play the piano, hang out with friends, act, and...

Asher: Kiss me? *grins*

D: Um, I was gonna say eat but sure. Why not?

Asher: *pouts*

D: Aw! I'm just kidding! You know I love you. *hugs*

Asher: *smiles* I know. *chuckles* Um...sing and play guitar. And take care of fuzzy animals at the shelter.

D: *pouts* Why don't you ever take me to help you?

Asher: Because you're going to want a dog. And you know we can't have one.

D: *bottom lip trembles* Please?

Asher: *bites his lip* Oh gosh.

D: *gets watery eyes* Please?

Asher: Ugh. *smiles nervously* Oh no.

D: *single tear slips down her cheek* D-don't you love me?

Asher: Agh! *kisses D* I love you. Fine. I'll take you with me next time.

D: *smiles* YAY!

Asher: But remember, don't get too attached. Okay?

D: Okay! *starts looking up pictures of dogs for sale*

Asher: *sighs and chuckles* Thanks for the question. Bye!

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