Books! XD

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What books do you guys like to read (if you read books) not just in wattpad but in general! ~ xTheQueenOfOreosx

D: Of course we read! ^-^

Asher: Uh-um...*throws book he's reading out the window* I don't read. Speak for yourself. *looks out the window longingly*

D: *laughs* Are you gonna go get that?

Asher: *smiles innocently* Get what?

D: Your book?

Asher: Book? What's a book? Is that even in my vocabulary? Do I even have a vocabulary? What's a vocabulary?

D: *rolls eyes and walks to the window* Oh no.

Asher: What? What's wrong?

D: Ooh. *winces* A flock of birds thought that your book was food. Oops. It's gone. *shrugs*

Asher: WHAT?! *runs outside and comes back with his book* D! It's perfectly fine! Why'd you-

D: *smugly grinning*

Asher: You tricked me into admitting I read didn't you?

D: Yep. :)

Asher: -_-

D: So I like romantic comedies, comedies, stuffs with Disney, and fairy tale stuff!

Asher: *grins* D already knows what books I read.

D: Um. No I don't. Should I?

Asher: I read a certain book that made me think of you. *winks*


Asher: I don't have a dirty mind. I just have a sexy imagination. *smirks*

D: Oh yeah? Okay. Totally random question but...what kind of flowers do you want for your funeral?

Asher: *laughs nervously* Woah. No need to get upset. I was just kidding. *coughs* No I wasn't.

D: *rolls eyes and laughs* Whatever, Ash. Be for real.

Asher: *sighs* Fine. I like *blushes* World War 2 novels.

D: Awwww! That's my history dork! *hugs him*

Asher: *whines* I'm not a dork!

D: Yes you are. Don't deny it. *hugs him tighter*

Asher: *coughs* D. Y-you're kinda s-squeezing the life out of m-me.

D: How much do you weigh?

Asher: *coughs more* 198 pounds. *gasps for air* Why?

D: *thinks about it* Yeah. I can do it. *squeezes tighter*

Asher: *lifts off the ground by an inch* W-what?! *coughs more* O-oxygen l-levels decreasing!

D: *laughs and sets him down* Sorry.

Asher: *pants* How'd y-you do that? O.O I'm twice your size!

D: *shrugs* I don't know.

Asher: ...But you're not stronger than me, right?...

D: *laughs* Of course not. I can lift you, but that's all I can do.

Asher: O-okay. T-thanks for the question.

D: *grins and waves* Bye!

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