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On a scale of one to ten how excited were you when you first found out you were expecting, ten being the highest, describe how you felt ~ @Disneylover707

Asher: *grins* Seven.

D: Zero.

Asher: What?! Zero?! *frowns* Ouch. Poor baby.

D: No! I didn't mean it like that. *sighs* Okay, if we were married, say about 28, I would've been beyond excited, but it was unplanned, and we're 21 and 20. Ish...technically we're still 13 and 15.

Asher: *raises an eyebrow* Okay, so you weren't excited at all?

D: I mean, after I calmed down, I was excited. Then it was a 10.

Asher: *grins* That's more like it. You should be honored to have shared the same DNA with me.

D: Ewwww. Don't say it like that.

Asher: *smirks* Then you should be honored to have-

D: *blushes and covers his mouth* And definitely don't say that!

Asher: *pouts* Mmmm mm. Mm mm mm mm mmmm.

D: *giggles* Promise?

Asher: Mmmm.

D: Okay. *pulls her hand off of his mouth* You better not say it again. Especially since you promised...

Asher: I won't. *chuckles and rolls his eyes*

D: Good. But anyways, onto what I felt, I was terrified. I mean, there's a human growing inside me!

Asher: *chuckles* It can't be that scary.

D: *glares* Wanna trade?

Asher: O_O Nope. Sorry.

D: That's what I thought.

Asher: I was scared...kinda...and then I got really happy. *smiles* It's kind of cool thinking that there's a person...a tiny, cute person that's half me and half D. *bites his lip*

D: Awwww. Asher's getting mushy! *laughs*

Asher: *blushes* No way! I'm tough. I'll never go soft. *crosses his arms*

D: Relax you big baby. *smiles* Its cute. *kisses him on the cheek*

Asher: *grins* Maybe I'll start writing poetry, and-

D: Woah. Chill. *laughs* Not that mushy. We both know you suck at poetry.

Asher: *rolls his eyes with a smile* Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the question.

D: Bye!

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