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I feel his arms carefully wrapped against my body like he was afraid to break me

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I feel his arms carefully wrapped against my body like he was afraid to break me. My tears started to stream down in my cheeks as I felt kiss my temple "What took you so long?" I cried against his arms.

I heard him chuckle "My princess is still a cry baby." he said as he breaks on our hugs and made me look on his innocent face. He then, carefully brush my tears away on my cheeks before smiling "I'm here I won't leave you okay."

I was about to say something when I heard Natsu clear his throat - when I turn my head to see him, his eyes rage with full of anger "Really woman?" he said sarcastically but you can feel the anger that he felt towards me. "We need to talk now!"

"Can you just go away and leave them alone, Mr. Dragneel?" Erza said.

Natsu glare her like "I'm not talking to you," he said emphasizing each word. He held my arm tightly that makes me bit my lower lips in pain "You are going with me."

"Dude you're hurting her." Zeref said.

"I don't care!" he said angrily. Zeref look on me worriedly and I just gave him a tight smile - silently telling him that I am fine. "Let's go."

He almost dragged me outside the lobby area, my left arm is now red and I'm pretty sure that it will leave a mark. "Please... let's walk slowly." I plea

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