LATHB : Chapter One

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Clink, clink, clink.

What – what is that awful noise?   

The sound occurred again, but this time it was more coherent to my ears than the first and yet, I still couldn’t identify what it was. And me being the curious person as I am, I decided to flutter my strangely sore eyes open to see what the sound was but the first thing I encountered were rays of bright sunlight, painfully blinding me.  


I quickly blocked the light out with my arm also shutting my eyes closed while at the same time I thought to myself, “Since when did the sun become so…Mr Oh-Sunshine in other words – a pain in the butt?”

Reluctantly, I forcefully opened my eyes again and let them slowly adjust to the light, ignoring the protests that were coming from my mind.

Then suddenly a roaring pain from my head washed over me and I began to wince in pain. What the heck is this? I wondered to myself as I applied pressure onto my temples, hoping to relieve the pain. But to my frustration, it didn’t, it only made the pain worsen. Sighing in defeat, I shut my eyes tightly and let my fingers rest on my temples which felt… rough.

I furrowed my brows together and slid my fingers along the rough surface. It was as if a bandage or something was wrapped around my head.

Okay, this getting a little weird now. I mean, I don’t remember having this throbbing pain in my head nor do I remember having this bandage around my head. What the heck is going on!?

I snapped my eyes open and with all my might, pushed my somehow weak energy self-up. While I pushed myself up, I noticed something very different about my surroundings. Cautiously, I shifted my eyes left to right, back and forth, my eyes slowly bulging out with shock.

What the…. What is this?

I looked down to my hands that were gripping onto the white bed sheets. I stared intensely down at them, puzzled.

White sheets? Aren’t my sheets meant to be polka dotted all over? And why does the bed feel shockingly spacious? 

In a slow bewildered manner, I examined the bed I was in, which I soon after identified it as a king sized bed – a bed that was not mine and belonged to someone else’s, most possibly a stranger.

Panic started to flood in me.

Where the heck was I? And what was I doing here? I frantically maneuvererd around myself on the bed so quickly I swore I heard my neck crack and took this chance to look at the room. 

The first thing that came into vision was the light crème colored walls which had paintings of what looked like beaches hung on them. Ignoring the continuous flood of panic rushing in me, I decided to carry on at looking around the room. I turned my head to the right and saw there were leather chairs with desks that looked like they were from another time, 1940s perhaps? And near it, there was a huge black wardrobe against the wall with a rather tall lamp next to it.

Not wanting to look at what else was in the room anymore, I hung my head down low with my eyes staring deeply at the white sheets, my breathing becoming rigid and loud. Then I shook my head vigorously.

I was dreaming. I was clearly dreaming. I mean I have to be dreaming, because I can’t just end up being at one place and then –       

My thoughts slithered away when the sound of new voices barged into my ears, instantly freezing me.

“Why did we have to bring this girl into our home?”

“Are you sure this person is even a girl?”

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