LATHB : Chapter Six

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Previously on “Looking after the Harrison Boys”…

“I’m eager to get to bed.” A yawn escapes from mouth which soon turned into a tired sigh. “God, I’m so tired.” I said, finally feeling my body relaxing on the comfortable, soft car seat.

“Yeah, I can tell. I mean, even your clothes look dirty! What did you even do the today?” She asked curiously as she began to drive down the long street. “What? Did you roll around in mud and make mud cakes with the boys?” She joked. 

I laid my head back on the headrest and blew my cheeks up, letting all the air out once my cheeks reached its expanding limit. I tilt my head to the side and looked out of the window, watching the clear night sky move as we moved along with it. “You don’t want to know.” Was the last thing I said to her before everything around me turned black.


O…w…. Ow…. Ow... Ow!

Bits of pain from somewhere started flooding to my newly-awaken body and in just a matter of seconds, the pain grew exponentially, making me screech in surprise. I snappily opened my eyes and clasped my hand tightly around my neck, pressing down on it.  

Curse you my weird sleeping habits!

Even me putting pressure onto it, the pain still was frustratingly strong. Too strong for me to deal with so I unclasped my hand and shut my eyes, letting the wrath of the pain hit me.   

Wow, what a great way to start the day, I sarcastically said to myself. I wonder what else is in store for me!


I cut off my annoying mind before it said anything else and continued shutting my eyes but then opened them up a few seconds later when more thoughts of him rushed into my head.

Thanks a lot mind! Thanks a lot!

Oh you’re most certainly welcome buddy! It’s just my gift to you for giving me a time out yesterday.  

I can’t believe this. I can’t freaking believe this. My own mind is turning against me!

Hey, have you realized that Zane has a really cute but-

Just before my mind finished off that sentence, I pulled myself away. My eyes found the white ceiling and I stared at it. I needed to think of something else before I lose my mind.

You already did.


 “Wake up…”

I jolt my body up from the bed at the sudden abrupt of a song playing and shifted my head around, trying to figure what the heck that was.

“…feeling like P-diddy, grab my glasses…”

Ripping the covers off, I stumbled out of bed and followed the direction of where the song was coming from.  

“…I’m gonna hit this city…”

I kept walking until I reached to a chair where my black bag was sitting on. The sound was coming from the bag. Picking the bag up, I quickly zipped it opened and saw my cell phone blinking.

Since when did I put Kesha’s song as my ringtone? I asked myself and grabbed the phone out then answered it without even looking at who the caller ID was.


I heard an annoyed huff. “About time loser,”   

I blinked at the grouchy sounding voice on the other end and straight away knowing who it was. I pulled the phone away and made a face to it before putting it back to my ears. “Well, hello to you too my dear sister; what can I do for you on this ungodly hour.” I said in a mock British accent. I raised my head up and checked the time to make sure it was an ungodly hour.

Looking After the Harrison Boys {Old version!}Where stories live. Discover now