LATHB : Chapter Nine

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Previously on Looking After the Harrison Boys…

“What the heck…” Zane grumbled. I was about to tell him to get off of me when the realization hit me of where Zane’s face was directly resting on.

My eyes widened with shock and my body froze.

His face was directly sitting in between my breasts.


I watched with wide eyes as Zane lifted his head up slowly away from my chest, looking completely oblivious of the fact of where his head had just been on. Looking at him, I had this massive urge to kick, punch, even to the extent of wanting to go Bowser rage at him (it’s another way of me saying ‘I wanted to murder him and dump him over the cliff’), but it was one of those ‘bad’ moments where my body would just freeze up and become numb all over, making me look like a dead stick on the ground.  

And it sucked, a lot, because I couldn’t do a damn a thing.

“Woah.. wha..t…” Zane trailed off when his eyes met up with my wide ones. Confused, he furrowed his brows and had a why-are-you-looking-at-me-like-that look on his face. With my body (including my mouth) still frozen and numbed all over, I couldn’t give him an answer or a reply and just remained silent like a little lamb.

And it sucked, a lot, again, because there were many things I wanted to say to him but I couldn’t.

He furrowed his brows in a deeper puzzling manner and had a rather surprised expression on his face for a split second but it quickly washed away, replaced with the last look he had on before. Then he finally shifted his eyes away from me but as soon as they did, his eyes somehow unpredictably found their way down to my chest and he stared at that area longer than necessary. Heat quickly rushed to my cheeks and soon my whole face felt terribly warm and uncomfortable.   

Why the heck is he staring at my chest like that? Like a… pervert?

I soon realised from his jumbled expression that it seemed like he didn’t exactly know what he was technically staring at and was trying very hard to figure it out.

It took him about let’s say, three more quick seconds to realize what he was staring and for that, I really wanted to whack that stupid brain of his and stomp on it a million times but obviously, I still couldn’t move a darn muscle so I laid there, staring blankly at him, like I didn’t give a rats about he’d just done and everything with it.

His eyes, massively wide, looked at me and I watched as his face revealed a mix of horror and tremor all over. I couldn’t help but internally laugh my butt off even though I shouldn’t be because of my current circumstance. His reaction kind of reminded me the time back at the police station where Johnny was putting that fake boyfriend façade on, and embarrassed the heck out of Zane in front of loads of people.

Yeah, I remembered clearly of each and every detail of his face and I must say – it was truly pure gold. If only this facial expression happened a lot more, I would be satisfied and well, less irritated with Zane, in a way.     

I continued watching Zane and finally saw some visible movement around his mouth area. They slowly opened up. “Did my head just… land…there?... I – You –“

Somehow, I had a feeling that an apology was going to come out but instead; he said something much unexpected and it stunned me to the bone – numb bones that is.

“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” He hissed, his eyes no longer were in the widened stage but were now narrowing straight at me with what looked like... fury.

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