LATHB : Chapter Twelve

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Previously on “Looking After the Harrison Boys”…

“Leave me alone,” he tried to push me away again but I firmly held my grip on him.

“Stop being stubborn for once!” I demanded.

I saw as his face softened for a second but before I could’ve processed it, his annoyed expression returned. “Fine,” he grumbled as he looked away, trying to avoid my eyes.


Suddenly, he lowered his head and rested it on my shoulder, putting an enormous weight on there. What the –

He let out a tired, exhausted sigh and softly spoke. “Why are you making it so difficult for me?”


Before I could’ve asked him what he was on about, or had the muscles to finally push him away, he’s body suddenly slummed against mine, putting all his weight on me, and remained there, unmoved. My arms instinctively wrapped around him, sustaining and up-holding his body.   

Great, did he just go unconscious on me?

I cussed silently and quickly called out for George.


“Yes?” He sang rather cheerfully.

 “Help!” I frantically screamed as my hold on him began to loosen. “GEORGE!” I called out again. If only he wasn’t so heavy, I would’ve been able to hold him and his ridiculous weight without needing so much of my precious effort!

Then on cue, hurried footsteps came running behind me but they soon came to a sudden halt. Now, there was nothing, but silence.  

A second or two later, George finally spoke and he sounded very stunned. “Oh my, you two do make up quite… fast. Very fast.” He emphasized.  

Huh? What? I furrowed my brows, confused. “Wait, wha— Oh George!“ I groaned, blood rushing to my cheeks, embarrassed. Did he honestly think – Oh god. Shortly after, I stated boldly, “He fell unconscious! I mean, look –“ I tried moving around for George to see, but with the very limited strength I currently had, I only managed to move a step full and there was still nothing for George to see.

“Ahh, he did fall unconscious alright,” George, out of nowhere, appeared beside me and took one of Zane’s arms and wrapped it on his shoulder, some of his weight instantly pulled off me. I was finally able to freely breathe now. “How come you didn’t tell me?”

“I did, just a second ago!”  

“You did? How come I didn’t hear it?” He questioned as we both helped Zane out of the store room and back into the store.

I nodded. “Yeah, I did.”

“Well, next time, you should talk a bit louder Amelia. My hearing isn’t as perfect as it was thirty years ago. But that doesn’t say anything about me being old and all.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, “Yeah, it definitely doesn’t,” I played along and agreed. Once we were halfway into the store, I abruptly stopped and George did too. He looked at me, puzzled.

“Where are we going to rest him on?” I asked, looking around the store.

“We’re not going to,”

I stopped looking and placed my eyes on George. “What do you mean?”

“We’re going to dump him,” He simply said and we continued on casually walking as if nothing weird was said or done.  

Looking After the Harrison Boys {Old version!}Where stories live. Discover now